穴埋めエクササイズ 問163 (2018/06/19更新)


The cover design of the book is [            ] the computer graphics team.

(1) taken care by
(2) taken care of by
(3) taken care with by


(2) taken care of by



The cover design of the book is taken care of by the computer graphics team.

take care ofのように、複数の語で構成される動詞を群動詞といいます。郡動詞は一つの単語のように扱われるため、受動態にする場合も語順は変わらず、切り離すことができません。そのため(2)が正解となります。
(1) taken care by(ofが抜けているので×)
(3) taken care with by(take care withという表現はないので×)