穴埋めエクササイズ 問301 (2021/04/05更新)


The [          ] of the annual TESOL conference were asked to fill out a feedback form as they left the convention center.

(1) attendees
(2) attendances
(3) attends


(1) attendees



(1) attendees

空欄の前には定冠詞theがあり、後ろには前置詞ofがあるので、空欄には名詞が入ることがわかります。ここでは文脈から、「参加者」という意味の(1) attendeesが正解となります。

The attendees of the annual TESOL conference were asked to fill out a feedback form as they left the convention center. 
(2) attendances(「出席回数」を表すので文脈に合わない)
(3) attends(動詞なので×)