Prison Break Season1 2.Allen
- 【English script】
「Prison Break Season1 2.Allen」
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ - Previously on "Prison Break": I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell.
- - Why do you want to see Burrows? - Because he's my brother.
- So you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him? To what? Save him? And whoever it was that set me up wants me in the ground as quickly as possible.
- The closer it gets, the more I'm worried that the bottom will fall out of this whole thing.
- That son of a bitch fingered Abruzzi.
- - Someone found Fibonacci.
- - Who was this someone? - Why'd you hire him? - Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
- - They come at me, I'm coming after you.
- - I doubt it.
- I'm getting you out of here.
- - It's impossible.
- - Not if you designed the place it isn't.
- - You've seen the blueprints.
- - Better than that.
- I've got 'em on me.
- You're anticipating every one of my moves three moves in advance.
- You're a hell of a strategist, fish.
- You ever think about Boston? Think you'll ever see it again? I'm a 60-year-old man with 60 years left on my ticket.
- What do you think? - I'm thinking about going.
- - Well, there's going and there's going.
- Which one do you mean? The one you think I mean.
- Three days inside and he's already thinking about turning rabbit.
- It'll pass.
- It always does.
- Got bigger things to worry about at the moment.
- I've been in here long enough to know it when I see it.
- The calm before the storm.
- Whites and blacks are going at each other real soon here.
- Everybody chooses sides and a lot of guys bleed.
- There a reason? Same reason you don't put cats and dogs in the same cage.
- They don't get along.
- - Hm.
- - What? - Toilet won't flush.
- - So? - Means only one thing, fish.
- - Shakedown! You can't flush your contraband.
- - We got nothing to worry about.
- - Says who? Under the table, conjo.
- - What the hell is this? - It's insurance, white boy.
- Now dump it.
- Open it.
- So, tooling up for the race riot, are we? Hand it over.
- Huh.
- Rughead and the Billy.
- - Which side are you on, anyhow, fish? - That would be neither, boss.
- Maybe you're gonna go extracurricular with it, then.
- Stick a CO, maybe.
- - Is there a problem here, deputy? - Got a shank in here.
- Is this yours? You're not a good liar.
- Come on, Sucre.
- You're going to the SHU.
- - Move along.
- - I'm not done shaking this cell down yet.
- I said move along.
- In the old man's back pocket, are you? Well, I got news for you, fish.
- He may run this place during the day, but I run it during the night.
- What the hell were you thinking, Michael? - How are we doing it? - The infirmary.
- Infirmary.
- It's the weakest link in the security chain.
- If I get that PUGNAc, I'll get all the access I need.
- - What the hell's a PUGNAc? - It lowers my insulin levels.
- As long as the good doctor thinks I'm diabetic, - I'll have time there to do what I need to do.
- - Which is? A little work.
- A little prep for your arrival.
- - That's the idea, anyway.
- - The idea? There's a little hitch in getting the PUGNAc.
- They don't exactly stock it at the commissary.
- - This thing's riding on a bunch of pills? - Someone's working on it as we speak.
- - Now's not the time to trust a black inmate.
- - Our relationship transcends race.
- Nothing transcends race in here.
- Good behaviour, you're outta here in three years.
- - Gonna be a whole lot sooner then that.
- - It can't be done.
- No one's ever broken out of Fox River.
- Every step's already been mapped out.
- Every contingency.
- You may have the blueprints to this place but there's one thing those plans can't show you.
- Guys like Abruzzi.
- You so much as look at these guys the wrong way, they'll cut you up.
- As far as these guys are concerned, I'm just a con doing his time, staying out of trouble.
- - You don't gotta look for trouble.
- It finds you.
- - And when it does, we'll be long gone.
- This is madness.
- You can't get outta your cell.
- - Not true.
- - What, you got a key? Something like that.
- Wrong piece of real estate, fish.
- Belongs to T-Bag.
- Who? Speak with respect, fish.
- Man kidnapped half a dozen boys and girls down in 'Bama.
- Raped and killed 'em.
- Wasn't always in that order either.
- - Does T-Bag have a real name? - That is my real name.
- No, no, no.
- Please, sit.
- So, you're the new one I've been hearing all the rave reviews about.
- Scofield.
- One thing's for sure.
- You're just as pretty as advertised.
- Prettier, even.
- - Rugheads got you scared, do they? - Sorry? I assume that's why you're over here.
- A few days on the inside, any white man realises the correctional system's got a lean toward the African-American persuasion.
- - I hadn't noticed.
- - They got the numbers, all right.
- We got one thing they don't.
- Surprise.
- We gonna take the ball game to them real soon.
- It's gonna be nasty for a first-timer like you.
- We'll protect you.
- I'll protect you.
- All you gotta do is take this pocket right here and your life'll be all peaches and cream.
- I walk, you walk with me.
- I'll keep you real close so no one up in here can hurt you.
- Looks to me you already got a girlfriend.
- I got a whole 'nother pocket over here.
- I'll pass.
- I don't protect you, them rugheads are gonna gobble you up like a plate of peas.
- - I said no.
- - Then you'd best move, then.
- Now.
- You come around these bleachers again, it's gonna be more than words we're exchanging.
- Know what I'm saying? Are you the Tim Giles that represented Lincoln Burrows? - If you're a reporter - I'm not a reporter.
- I know the defendant.
- - Oh.
- You family? - Not exactly.
- We were in a relationship a few years back.
- Ma'am, I I don't know what to tell you.
- The man was guilty.
- - The prosecution's case was a slam dunk.
- - The victim was the vice president's brother.
- If you're suggesting the government rammed this through, I take offence.
- - I fought for that guy.
- - That's not what I meant.
- The evidence was there.
- Lincoln worked for Steadman's company.
- He gets into a public altercation with the guy, so he gets fired.
- Steadman's shot dead.
- The weapon's found in Lincoln's house, the blood on his clothes.
- Trust me.
- There are cases you lose sleep over but this isn't one of 'em.
- What about Crab Simmons? Lincoln said he could exonerate him.
- The man's a five-time felon, all right? He had no credibility.
- - So you wouldn't mind if I paid him a visit? - Be my guest.
- But I don't think it'll do you any good.
- Strange feeling.
- Don't know how to explain it.
- You know, um, usually my whole life it's always been crazy and noisy.
- Maddening, you know, in my head.
- But now it's quiet.
- It's perfect.
- I'm glad you came back.
- I thought about you the whole time.
- You know, I made a lot of mistakes in my life.
- I know that.
- - I'm gonna make it right.
- - I know you will.
- - What are you doing? - I want to remember this.
- - No.
- - Oh, come on.
- Come on, Vi, please.
- Just one.
- OK.
- - Easy.
- - How are we doing on the PUGNAc? - Hey, I'm working on it.
- - Well, work faster.
- I need that stuff tonight.
- What's up there in that infirmary that you need so bad? You get me that PUGNAc and maybe I'll tell you.
- Uh-uh-uh.
- Thought we had an understanding.
- This here's for the family.
- You made it pretty clear you ain't blood.
- How about you hand that over? Nice-lookin' piece of steel.
- Bit of work.
- You could do some serious damage with it.
- Question is, who is it you was planning on damaging? I seen you with the Negroes, you know.
- Well, maybe you're one of them milk chickens, all confused, like.
- White on the outside, black as tar on the inside.
- Maybe we oughta take a look at them insides and find out.
- Girl Scouts, is there a problem over there? I think we'll just hang onto this if that's OK with you.
- Hey! I'm not gonna ask you again.
- Let's break up the party, ladies.
- You heard the man, little doggie.
- Get along.
- What's it take to shake down another inmate? Get something he's taken from you? - It would take Fibonacci.
- - Well, I'll give you Fibonacci.
- I promise you that.
- - When the time is right.
- - The time is right now.
- No, when you and I are both standing outside those walls.
- You're on life without parole.
- You'll never stand outside those walls.
- Not unless you knew someone, someone who knew a way out.
- - What do you say, John? - I say I've heard nothing but blabber.
- Philly Falzone.
- It's an honour.
- What are you doing here? Well, I, uh, just thought we'd, you know, fraternise.
- - He looks like it, doesn't he? - Looks what? Like everybody's been saying.
- You got no sack.
- You've been neutered.
- You shouldn't talk to me like that.
- - You used to pick up my laundry.
- - Not any more.
- Word is someone knows where Fibonacci is and you're not doing anything about it.
- - I'm working on it.
- - Not fast enough.
- Apparently Fibonacci's coming up for air again.
- Next month, a congressional hearing.
- Now, if he testifies at that hearing a lot of people are going down, including me.
- Now, I've known you a long time.
- Our wives are friends.
- Our kids go to the same Catholic school.
- It would be a shame if anything happened to your kids.
- I know my kids would miss them.
- - You don't need to do this.
- - I do.
- I'll get this guy.
- We'll get Fibonacci.
- - For everyone's sake, I hope you're right.
- - I am.
- Be well, John.
- Thank you.
- Yo, badge, I gotta use the phone.
- - Sure.
- You want a pizza and a pedicure too? - I gotta call my girl.
- She's expecting my call.
- - Put a sock in it.
- You got nothing coming.
- - No, no, no, man! No, man! Hey, pull up the manifest.
- Is there an Allen Schweitzer in gen pop? - No.
- - How about the SHU? No.
- Why you asking? Curious, that's all.
- You hear the trumpets, fish? I know you can.
- That's Judgment Day.
- It's coming.
- Real soon.
- Yo, Curly! Come on, May Tag.
- What you doing in my cell? I want in.
- I'm not sure I heard that.
- Did you say you're in? - That's right.
- - In for an inch, in for a mile.
- You want me to fight, I'll fight.
- The bolt from the bleachers was for that.
- Well, you wanna fight, you're gonna get your chance.
- Next count.
- - Tonight? - Problem with that? We goin' straight at 'em.
- You better catch a square, fish.
- We're undermanned in a big way.
- - All I need's a weapon.
- - You want a weapon, bitch? - There you go.
- - All prisoners, return to your cells.
- You have to prove yourself before we trust you with the heavy artillery.
- Gates closing! - I'm sorry for being so short with you before.
- - No problem.
- Closer it gets to an execution, the harder it becomes.
- That's why I wanted to give you this.
- It's the surveillance tape of the garage that night.
- It was a closed trial so no one outside the courtroom saw it.
- - It could help you out.
- - With what? Closure.
- Allen Schweitzer.
- That name mean anything to you? - Should it? - I don't know.
- You tell me.
- - Never heard of the guy.
- - Are you sure? Positive.
- Ah, what's up, snowflake? Do you think I'm a fool? - What are you talking about? - I see you up there with the Hitler Youth.
- I got a good mind to slash you open right now.
- It's not what you think.
- They've got something I need.
- Now, see, that's funny, because I got something you need too.
- You want your PUGNAc, fish? Huh? I hate 'em, baby.
- So will you.
- Listen, white boy.
- Your luck just ran out.
- You chose the wrong side.
- Man, it's great to see your face.
- I think it's time you quit the charade, don't you? - What? - It's starting to ruin people's lives.
- Michael's in here cos he thinks you're innocent.
- - What's he told you? - He hasn't told me anything, but I know.
- I know what he's planning.
- Call him off.
- If you love him, call him off.
- - I saw the tape.
- - That's not how it went down.
- - I know what I saw.
- - I know what I saw.
- I was there, remember? I got high that night.
- I had to.
- It was the only way I could go through with it.
- I never pulled the trigger.
- The guy was already dead.
- - I know.
- You told me a thou - Listen! I was set up.
- I went there to clear a debt.
- Crab Simmons was on my ass for the 90 grand I owed him.
- Told me the mark was some drug dealer and if I took it we'd be clean.
- I never pulled the trigger.
- Somebody wanted me in the same garage as Steadman.
- Why would somebody wanna set you up? It wasn't about me.
- It was about him.
- - Steadman? - Yes.
- The guy was a saint.
- All the charity work, the environmental progress his company made.
- About the only person in this entire country who had motive to kill him was you.
- You came all the way down here to tell me how guilty I am? I don't know why I came here.
- You have your life now.
- I know that.
- But if what we had before meant anything to you, you'd find out the truth.
- Maybe all this is the truth.
- Maybe they got it right.
- - Badge! Badge, open up! Badge! - You talking again? It's my girl's birthday.
- Please.
- I'll give you $1 million if you let me use the phone.
- I've seen your kick.
- You got something like 40 cents to your name.
- Please! No! No! No! All right, Maricruz.
- What are you doing? Come on.
- - It's OK, Hector.
- You go ahead.
- - What are you talking about? - I think I'm just gonna take a cab.
- - What do you mean? You just got here.
- He didn't call you, did he? Look.
- I love Fernando to death, but the guy's a deadbeat.
- You gotta move on with your life.
- - Mr Giles, we'd like a word with you.
- - I really don't I'm afraid we're going to have to insist.
- It's come to our attention that you made a FOIL request on the Burrows case.
- - Yeah.
- So? - You made a dupe off the surveillance tape.
- That's right.
- - Mind us asking why? - It was for one of Burrows' old girlfriends.
- She thought the guy was innocent.
- I figured it'd help her with closure.
- She's in possession of the tape now? Don't pull that card with me.
- It's the Freedom of Information Act.
- - She's entitled to that tape as much as you.
- - No, no, no.
- By all means.
- By all means.
- - May I go now? - Just one more thing.
- This old girlfriend of his.
- What's her name? - Excuse me.
- Is this the Simmons residence? - I'm Ms Simmons.
- I'm sorry.
- Um, I'm Veronica Donovan.
- I'm looking for Crab Simmons.
- - Are you related? - He's my son.
- - Is he around? - No.
- - Could you tell me where I could find him? - Lady, go away.
- I can't help you.
- Look, I'm sorry.
- It's just A man's life is at stake, and maybe your son could help him.
- Crab can't help nobody, lady.
- He's dead.
- I'm sorry.
- Heads up! Seven up, cons.
- Stand at your gates.
- About to jump off, fish.
- Ballard, get back on your number.
- - Need backup right away.
- - I said get back on your number.
- Get back immediately! Help me.
- Inmates, back down! Scofield! Inmates, back in your cells! Get back immediately! You're a dead man, Scofield.
- Do you hear me? You're a dead man! I really don't know what to say to you gentlemen.
- I try to give you the benefit of the doubt.
- I try to treat you with respect.
- You can't even respect yourselves.
- So there's gonna be a 48-hour lockdown.
- No mess, no showers, no visitation.
- And I strongly suggest that you all learn to get along, otherwise the next time it's gonna be a week and the time after that, a month.
- Think about it.
- - Got a Leticia Barris on the line.
- - I don't know who that is.
- She says she used to date Crab Simmons.
- - Thank you for calling.
- - You wanna hear what I have to say? - We meet in public where they can't get to us.
- - Wait.
- Where who can't get to us? You wanna hear what I have to say? Cos if you don't, I'm gonna hang up now.
- No, no, no, no.
- You just name the time and the place.
- - Over here.
- - Hey, Leticia, thanks for coming.
- We don't know each other.
- We'll stay out here in the open where they can't get to us, where they can't do what they do.
- They gonna kill your boy like they killed mine.
- Coroner said smack killed your boyfriend.
- It was an overdose.
- - No overdose.
- - What do you mean? Crab didn't use.
- He had a bad heart.
- If he touched the stuff, it'd kill him.
- Don't you think it's just a bit of a coincidence he OD'd a week after your boyfriend's crime? They killed him cos he knew things, things they didn't wanna get out.
- - Like what? - Like who was really behind that hit.
- It wasn't Crab and it wasn't Lincoln.
- Neither of them knew what they were getting into.
- They were just pawns in a big game.
- They're here.
- - Who's here, Leticia? - Don't try to follow me.
- I won't testify.
- - Just slow down and talk to me.
- - I'd get as far away from here as you can, girl, cos there ain't nobody they can't get to.
- Leticia! - Hello? - We have a small complication.
- There's a lawyer poking around.
- Veronica Donovan.
- Yes.
- You can handle a girl who graduated in the middle of her Baylor Law School class.
- At least, I'd like to think so, given the stakes of what we're dealing with here.
- Anyone that's a threat to what we're doing is expendable.
- - Anyone.
- - Understood.
- Do what you need to do to make this go away.
- Are you there, pretty? I know you're there.
- Just want you to know I'm coming for you.
- You got nowhere to run.
- You're trapped in that little hole of yours, trapped like a pig I'm gonna slaughter.
- - Who's my one o'clock? - Michael Scofield.
- I was wrong about you.
- Here's your PUGNAc.
- - A little bit late.
- - Better late than never, right? - Scofield! Infirmary.
- - We'll see about that.
- Mm-hm.
- I'm gonna find out, you know, what it is you're doing up there.
- - How long does this take? - They've come a long way with glucose kits.
- This'll take us about ten seconds.
- Slide the strip into the meter and we're ready to go.
- I'm sure you know this, but average glucose for the non-diabetic is about 100mg/dl, so we see a number like that here and we know you've been misdiagnosed.
- You seem nervous.
- - I do? - You're sweating.
- Must be the needles.
- Never really got used to 'em.
- Somehow with diabetes and that tattoo I find that hard to believe.
- Ah.
- Bad news, I'm afraid.
- Do you need anything else from me? - Arm to stick a needle in.
- - OK.
- I'll see you Wednesday.
- - Cute.
- - Prisoner.
- - There's something strange about him.
- - What do you mean? I gave him the results of his blood test and there was this look on his face.
- It was, um relief.
- It's all right.
- I got it.
- I'm headed over to A-wing anyhow.
- - You're positively beaming, boss.
- - Got up on the right side of the bed, I guess.
- Hold up.
- Sugar.
- Now, don't you move, fishy.
- - What are you doing? - You're coming with us, fish.
- This little polka, you and I have been doing for a while, as of this moment, it's over.
- Fibonacci.
- I wanna know how you got to him and where he is, right now.
- Not gonna happen, John.
- Now, I'm gonna count to three.
- - One - I give you that information, I'm a dead man.
- You know it and I know it.
- two I'll tell you the moment we're outside those walls.
- You tell me now.
- - Not gonna happen, John.
- - Hey! I'm gonna give you one last chance.
- Three.
- ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
- 【日本語スクリプト】
「プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1 2.Allen」
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ - Previously on "Prison Break": I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell.
- - Why do you want to see Burrows? - Because he's my brother.
- So you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him? To what? Save him? And whoever it was that set me up wants me in the ground as quickly as possible.
- The closer it gets, the more I'm worried that the bottom will fall out of this whole thing.
- That son of a bitch fingered Abruzzi.
- - Someone found Fibonacci.
- - Who was this someone? - Why'd you hire him? - Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
- - They come at me, I'm coming after you.
- - I doubt it.
- I'm getting you out of here.
- - It's impossible.
- - Not if you designed the place it isn't.
- - You've seen the blueprints.
- - Better than that.
- I've got 'em on me.
- You're anticipating every one of my moves three moves in advance.
3手先まで読んでるとはな - You're a hell of a strategist, fish.
大した腕前だよ - You ever think about Boston?
Think you'll ever see it again?
I'm a 60-year-old man with 60 years left on my ticket.
今 60歳で刑期がまだ60年ある。行けるもんか - What do you think?
- I'm thinking about going.
俺は頑張るぞ - - Well, there's goin' and there's goin'.
Which one do you mean? - "お務め"をか? それとも"出ること"を?
The one you think I mean.
分かるだろ? - Three days inside and he's already thinking about turning rabbit.
みんな3日目で脱獄を考えるもんだ - It'll pass. It always does.
そのうち あきらめてしまう - Got bigger things to worry about at the moment.
今はもっと違うことに注意を払った方がいいぞ - I've been in here long enough to know it when I see it.
- The calm before the storm.
- Whites and blacks are going at each other real soon here.
- Everybody chooses sides and a lot of guys bleed.
- There a reason? Same reason you don't put cats and dogs in the same cage.
- They don't get along.
- - Hm.
- - What? - Toilet won't flush.
- - So? - Means only one thing, fish.
- - Shakedown! You can't flush your contraband.
- - We got nothing to worry about.
- - Says who? Under the table, conjo.
- - What the hell is this? - It's insurance, white boy.
- Now dump it.
- Open it.
- So, tooling up for the race riot, are we? Hand it over.
- Huh.
- Rughead and the Billy.
- - Which side are you on, anyhow, fish? - That would be neither, boss.
- Maybe you're gonna go extracurricular with it, then.
- Stick a CO, maybe.
- - Is there a problem here, deputy? - Got a shank in here.
- Is this yours? You're not a good liar.
- Come on, Sucre.
- You're going to the SHU.
- - Move along.
- - I'm not done shaking this cell down yet.
- I said move along.
- In the old man's back pocket, are you? Well, I got news for you, fish.
- He may run this place during the day, but I run it during the night.
- What the hell were you thinking, Michael? - How are we doing it? - The infirmary.
- Infirmary.
- It's the weakest link in the security chain.
- If I get that PUGNAc, I'll get all the access I need.
- - What the hell's a PUGNAc? - It lowers my insulin levels.
- As long as the good doctor thinks I'm diabetic, - I'll have time there to do what I need to do.
- - Which is? A little work.
- A little prep for your arrival.
- - That's the idea, anyway.
- - The idea? There's a little hitch in getting the PUGNAc.
- They don't exactly stock it at the commissary.
- - This thing's riding on a bunch of pills? - Someone's working on it as we speak.
- - Now's not the time to trust a black inmate.
- - Our relationship transcends race.
- Nothing transcends race in here.
- Good behaviour, you're outta here in three years.
- - Gonna be a whole lot sooner then that.
- - It can't be done.
- No one's ever broken out of Fox River.
- Every step's already been mapped out.
- Every contingency.
- You may have the blueprints to this place but there's one thing those plans can't show you.
- Guys like Abruzzi.
- You so much as look at these guys the wrong way, they'll cut you up.
- As far as these guys are concerned, I'm just a con doing his time, staying out of trouble.
- - You don't gotta look for trouble.
- It finds you.
- - And when it does, we'll be long gone.
- This is madness.
- You can't get outta your cell.
- - Not true.
- - What, you got a key? Something like that.
- Wrong piece of real estate, fish.
- Belongs to T-Bag.
- Who? Speak with respect, fish.
- Man kidnapped half a dozen boys and girls down in 'Bama.
- Raped and killed 'em.
- Wasn't always in that order either.
- - Does T-Bag have a real name? - That is my real name.
- No, no, no.
- Please, sit.
- So, you're the new one I've been hearing all the rave reviews about.
- Scofield.
- One thing's for sure.
- You're just as pretty as advertised.
- Prettier, even.
- - Rugheads got you scared, do they? - Sorry? I assume that's why you're over here.
- A few days on the inside, any white man realises the correctional system's got a lean toward the African-American persuasion.
- - I hadn't noticed.
- - They got the numbers, all right.
- We got one thing they don't.
- Surprise.
- We gonna take the ball game to them real soon.
- It's gonna be nasty for a first-timer like you.
- We'll protect you.
- I'll protect you.
- All you gotta do is take this pocket right here and your life'll be all peaches and cream.
- I walk, you walk with me.
- I'll keep you real close so no one up in here can hurt you.
- Looks to me you already got a girlfriend.
- I got a whole 'nother pocket over here.
- I'll pass.
- I don't protect you, them rugheads are gonna gobble you up like a plate of peas.
- - I said no.
- - Then you'd best move, then.
- Now.
- You come around these bleachers again, it's gonna be more than words we're exchanging.
- Know what I'm saying? Are you the Tim Giles that represented Lincoln Burrows? - If you're a reporter - I'm not a reporter.
- I know the defendant.
- - Oh.
- You family? - Not exactly.
- We were in a relationship a few years back.
- Ma'am, I I don't know what to tell you.
- The man was guilty.
- - The prosecution's case was a slam dunk.
- - The victim was the vice president's brother.
- If you're suggesting the government rammed this through, I take offence.
- - I fought for that guy.
- - That's not what I meant.
- The evidence was there.
- Lincoln worked for Steadman's company.
- He gets into a public altercation with the guy, so he gets fired.
- Steadman's shot dead.
- The weapon's found in Lincoln's house, the blood on his clothes.
- Trust me.
- There are cases you lose sleep over but this isn't one of 'em.
- What about Crab Simmons? Lincoln said he could exonerate him.
- The man's a five-time felon, all right? He had no credibility.
- - So you wouldn't mind if I paid him a visit? - Be my guest.
- But I don't think it'll do you any good.
- Strange feeling.
- Don't know how to explain it.
- You know, um, usually my whole life it's always been crazy and noisy.
- Maddening, you know, in my head.
- But now it's quiet.
- It's perfect.
- I'm glad you came back.
- I thought about you the whole time.
- You know, I made a lot of mistakes in my life.
- I know that.
- - I'm gonna make it right.
- - I know you will.
- - What are you doing? - I want to remember this.
- - No.
- - Oh, come on.
- Come on, Vi, please.
- Just one.
- OK.
- - Easy.
- - How are we doing on the PUGNAc? - Hey, I'm working on it.
- - Well, work faster.
- I need that stuff tonight.
- What's up there in that infirmary that you need so bad? You get me that PUGNAc and maybe I'll tell you.
- Uh-uh-uh.
- Thought we had an understanding.
- This here's for the family.
- You made it pretty clear you ain't blood.
- How about you hand that over? Nice-lookin' piece of steel.
- Bit of work.
- You could do some serious damage with it.
- Question is, who is it you was planning on damaging? I seen you with the Negroes, you know.
- Well, maybe you're one of them milk chickens, all confused, like.
- White on the outside, black as tar on the inside.
- Maybe we oughta take a look at them insides and find out.
- Girl Scouts, is there a problem over there? I think we'll just hang onto this if that's OK with you.
- Hey! I'm not gonna ask you again.
- Let's break up the party, ladies.
- You heard the man, little doggie.
- Get along.
- What's it take to shake down another inmate? Get something he's taken from you? - It would take Fibonacci.
- - Well, I'll give you Fibonacci.
- I promise you that.
- - When the time is right.
- - The time is right now.
- No, when you and I are both standing outside those walls.
- You're on life without parole.
- You'll never stand outside those walls.
- Not unless you knew someone, someone who knew a way out.
- - What do you say, John? - I say I've heard nothing but blabber.
- Philly Falzone.
- It's an honour.
- What are you doing here? Well, I, uh, just thought we'd, you know, fraternise.
- - He looks like it, doesn't he? - Looks what? Like everybody's been saying.
- You got no sack.
- You've been neutered.
- You shouldn't talk to me like that.
- - You used to pick up my laundry.
- - Not any more.
- Word is someone knows where Fibonacci is and you're not doing anything about it.
- - I'm working on it.
- - Not fast enough.
- Apparently Fibonacci's coming up for air again.
- Next month, a congressional hearing.
- Now, if he testifies at that hearing a lot of people are going down, including me.
- Now, I've known you a long time.
- Our wives are friends.
- Our kids go to the same Catholic school.
- It would be a shame if anything happened to your kids.
- I know my kids would miss them.
- - You don't need to do this.
- - I do.
- I'll get this guy.
- We'll get Fibonacci.
- - For everyone's sake, I hope you're right.
- - I am.
- Be well, John.
- Thank you.
- Yo, badge, I gotta use the phone.
- - Sure.
- You want a pizza and a pedicure too? - I gotta call my girl.
- She's expecting my call.
- - Put a sock in it.
- You got nothing coming.
- - No, no, no, man! No, man! Hey, pull up the manifest.
- Is there an Allen Schweitzer in gen pop? - No.
- - How about the SHU? No.
- Why you asking? Curious, that's all.
- You hear the trumpets, fish? I know you can.
- That's Judgment Day.
- It's coming.
- Real soon.
- Yo, Curly! Come on, May Tag.
- What you doing in my cell? I want in.
- I'm not sure I heard that.
- Did you say you're in? - That's right.
- - In for an inch, in for a mile.
- You want me to fight, I'll fight.
- The bolt from the bleachers was for that.
- Well, you wanna fight, you're gonna get your chance.
- Next count.
- - Tonight? - Problem with that? We goin' straight at 'em.
- You better catch a square, fish.
- We're undermanned in a big way.
- - All I need's a weapon.
- - You want a weapon, bitch? - There you go.
- - All prisoners, return to your cells.
- You have to prove yourself before we trust you with the heavy artillery.
- Gates closing! - I'm sorry for being so short with you before.
- - No problem.
- Closer it gets to an execution, the harder it becomes.
- That's why I wanted to give you this.
- It's the surveillance tape of the garage that night.
- It was a closed trial so no one outside the courtroom saw it.
- - It could help you out.
- - With what? Closure.
- Allen Schweitzer.
- That name mean anything to you? - Should it? - I don't know.
- You tell me.
- - Never heard of the guy.
- - Are you sure? Positive.
- Ah, what's up, snowflake? Do you think I'm a fool? - What are you talking about? - I see you up there with the Hitler Youth.
- I got a good mind to slash you open right now.
- It's not what you think.
- They've got something I need.
- Now, see, that's funny, because I got something you need too.
- You want your PUGNAc, fish? Huh? I hate 'em, baby.
- So will you.
- Listen, white boy.
- Your luck just ran out.
- You chose the wrong side.
- Man, it's great to see your face.
- I think it's time you quit the charade, don't you? - What? - It's starting to ruin people's lives.
- Michael's in here cos he thinks you're innocent.
- - What's he told you? - He hasn't told me anything, but I know.
- I know what he's planning.
- Call him off.
- If you love him, call him off.
- - I saw the tape.
- - That's not how it went down.
- - I know what I saw.
- - I know what I saw.
- I was there, remember? I got high that night.
- I had to.
- It was the only way I could go through with it.
- I never pulled the trigger.
- The guy was already dead.
- - I know.
- You told me a thou - Listen! I was set up.
- I went there to clear a debt.
- Crab Simmons was on my ass for the 90 grand I owed him.
- Told me the mark was some drug dealer and if I took it we'd be clean.
- I never pulled the trigger.
- Somebody wanted me in the same garage as Steadman.
- Why would somebody wanna set you up? It wasn't about me.
- It was about him.
- - Steadman? - Yes.
- The guy was a saint.
- All the charity work, the environmental progress his company made.
- About the only person in this entire country who had motive to kill him was you.
- You came all the way down here to tell me how guilty I am? I don't know why I came here.
- You have your life now.
- I know that.
- But if what we had before meant anything to you, you'd find out the truth.
- Maybe all this is the truth.
- Maybe they got it right.
- - Badge! Badge, open up! Badge! - You talking again? It's my girl's birthday.
- Please.
- I'll give you $1 million if you let me use the phone.
- I've seen your kick.
- You got something like 40 cents to your name.
- Please! No! No! No! All right, Maricruz.
- What are you doing? Come on.
- - It's OK, Hector.
- You go ahead.
- - What are you talking about? - I think I'm just gonna take a cab.
- - What do you mean? You just got here.
- He didn't call you, did he? Look.
- I love Fernando to death, but the guy's a deadbeat.
- You gotta move on with your life.
- - Mr Giles, we'd like a word with you.
- - I really don't I'm afraid we're going to have to insist.
- It's come to our attention that you made a FOIL request on the Burrows case.
- - Yeah.
- So? - You made a dupe off the surveillance tape.
- That's right.
- - Mind us asking why? - It was for one of Burrows' old girlfriends.
- She thought the guy was innocent.
- I figured it'd help her with closure.
- She's in possession of the tape now? Don't pull that card with me.
- It's the Freedom of Information Act.
- - She's entitled to that tape as much as you.
- - No, no, no.
- By all means.
- By all means.
- - May I go now? - Just one more thing.
- This old girlfriend of his.
- What's her name? - Excuse me.
- Is this the Simmons residence? - I'm Ms Simmons.
- I'm sorry.
- Um, I'm Veronica Donovan.
- I'm looking for Crab Simmons.
- - Are you related? - He's my son.
- - Is he around? - No.
- - Could you tell me where I could find him? - Lady, go away.
- I can't help you.
- Look, I'm sorry.
- It's just A man's life is at stake, and maybe your son could help him.
- Crab can't help nobody, lady.
- He's dead.
- I'm sorry.
- Heads up! Seven up, cons.
- Stand at your gates.
- About to jump off, fish.
- Ballard, get back on your number.
- - Need backup right away.
- - I said get back on your number.
- Get back immediately! Help me.
- Inmates, back down! Scofield! Inmates, back in your cells! Get back immediately! You're a dead man, Scofield.
- Do you hear me? You're a dead man! I really don't know what to say to you gentlemen.
- I try to give you the benefit of the doubt.
- I try to treat you with respect.
- You can't even respect yourselves.
- So there's gonna be a 48-hour lockdown.
- No mess, no showers, no visitation.
- And I strongly suggest that you all learn to get along, otherwise the next time it's gonna be a week and the time after that, a month.
- Think about it.
- - Got a Leticia Barris on the line.
- - I don't know who that is.
- She says she used to date Crab Simmons.
- - Thank you for calling.
- - You wanna hear what I have to say? - We meet in public where they can't get to us.
- - Wait.
- Where who can't get to us? You wanna hear what I have to say? Cos if you don't, I'm gonna hang up now.
- No, no, no, no.
- You just name the time and the place.
- - Over here.
- - Hey, Leticia, thanks for coming.
- We don't know each other.
- We'll stay out here in the open where they can't get to us, where they can't do what they do.
- They gonna kill your boy like they killed mine.
- Coroner said smack killed your boyfriend.
- It was an overdose.
- - No overdose.
- - What do you mean? Crab didn't use.
- He had a bad heart.
- If he touched the stuff, it'd kill him.
- Don't you think it's just a bit of a coincidence he OD'd a week after your boyfriend's crime? They killed him cos he knew things, things they didn't wanna get out.
- - Like what? - Like who was really behind that hit.
- It wasn't Crab and it wasn't Lincoln.
- Neither of them knew what they were getting into.
- They were just pawns in a big game.
- They're here.
- - Who's here, Leticia? - Don't try to follow me.
- I won't testify.
- - Just slow down and talk to me.
- - I'd get as far away from here as you can, girl, cos there ain't nobody they can't get to.
- Leticia! - Hello? - We have a small complication.
- There's a lawyer poking around.
- Veronica Donovan.
- Yes.
- You can handle a girl who graduated in the middle of her Baylor Law School class.
- At least, I'd like to think so, given the stakes of what we're dealing with here.
- Anyone that's a threat to what we're doing is expendable.
- - Anyone.
- - Understood.
- Do what you need to do to make this go away.
- Are you there, pretty? I know you're there.
- Just want you to know I'm coming for you.
- You got nowhere to run.
- You're trapped in that little hole of yours, trapped like a pig I'm gonna slaughter.
- - Who's my one o'clock? - Michael Scofield.
- I was wrong about you.
- Here's your PUGNAc.
- - A little bit late.
- - Better late than never, right? - Scofield! Infirmary.
- - We'll see about that.
- Mm-hm.
- I'm gonna find out, you know, what it is you're doing up there.
- - How long does this take? - They've come a long way with glucose kits.
- This'll take us about ten seconds.
- Slide the strip into the meter and we're ready to go.
- I'm sure you know this, but average glucose for the non-diabetic is about 100mg/dl, so we see a number like that here and we know you've been misdiagnosed.
- You seem nervous.
- - I do? - You're sweating.
- Must be the needles.
- Never really got used to 'em.
- Somehow with diabetes and that tattoo I find that hard to believe.
- Ah.
- Bad news, I'm afraid.
- Do you need anything else from me? - Arm to stick a needle in.
- - OK.
- I'll see you Wednesday.
- - Cute.
- - Prisoner.
- - There's something strange about him.
- - What do you mean? I gave him the results of his blood test and there was this look on his face.
- It was, um relief.
- It's all right.
- I got it.
- I'm headed over to A-wing anyhow.
- - You're positively beaming, boss.
- - Got up on the right side of the bed, I guess.
- Hold up.
- Sugar.
- Now, don't you move, fishy.
- - What are you doing? - You're coming with us, fish.
- This little polka, you and I have been doing for a while, as of this moment, it's over.
- Fibonacci.
- I wanna know how you got to him and where he is, right now.
- Not gonna happen, John.
- Now, I'm gonna count to three.
- - One - I give you that information, I'm a dead man.
- You know it and I know it.
- two I'll tell you the moment we're outside those walls.
- You tell me now.
- - Not gonna happen, John.
- - Hey! I'm gonna give you one last chance.
- Three.
- ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
- ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
- 【解説】
![]() 英語字幕 プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1 (Prison Break Season1) 1.Pilot |
![]() プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1 (Prison Break Season1) 英語字幕で英会話を勉強しよう! |
![]() 英語字幕 プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1 (Prison Break Season1) 3.Cell Test |