Prison Break Season1 5.English, Fitz or Percy
- 【English script】
「Prison Break Season1 5.English, Fitz or Percy」
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ - Previously on "Prison Break": I didn't kill him.
- - The evidence says you did.
- - I was set up.
- Put down your weapon.
- I find it incumbent you see the inside of a cell.
- - I'm looking for Burrows.
- - Man killed the VP's brother.
- - Why do you want to see him? - He's my brother.
- - I'm getting you out.
- - Impossible.
- Not if you designed the place.
- - You've seen the blueprints.
- - Better.
- I've got 'em on me.
- - You find out who's trying to bury him.
- - Nobody is.
- The evidence was cooked.
- - There's a lawyer poking around.
- - Anyone that's a threat is expendable.
- - I'm gonna kill that scum.
- - You kill him, you kill our ticket out of here.
- - Where's Maricruz? - She's with me now.
- Fish, I gotta be back in.
- Nick, Project Justice.
- My boss may not think Lincoln's case is worth looking into, but I do.
- When do we get started? This wall is just the beginning.
- There's a lot of real estate in between here and the outside.
- That is a transfer request.
- Michael Scofield is getting shipped out tomorrow.
- - About your transfer request for Scofield.
- - More specifically, why you denied it.
- Look, Mr Kellerman, do I come to your house and tell you where to put your furniture? - We're just asking for professional courtesy.
- - A federal courtesy in a state penitentiary.
- Most people would be happy to have a body taken off their hands.
- These men are my responsibility.
- From the minute they walk in to the time they've paid their debt to society, I'm responsible.
- Unless he's done something I don't know about, he is gonna stay here at Fox River under my watch.
- Mr Pope, in our line of work, just about everyone has done something that someone doesn't know about.
- - What's this? - Right now, just a piece of history.
- Whether it becomes a current event, now, that's up to you.
- My wife already knows about Toledo.
- Does she really? You're a smart man, Warden.
- I'm sure you can find a reason Scofield's presence is no longer required at this particular correctional facility.
- I need some more PVC here, boss.
- - Boss? - Sure thing, Burrows.
- I don't wanna check for splinters.
- I want every piece accounted for.
- Sure.
- I got a ripped fertilizer bag inside.
- Hey, you! You! Get in there and clean it up before this whole place starts smelling like San Juan.
- OK, he's on his way.
- Do you mind telling me what this is all about? These are the guys we're breaking out with.
- I don't think so, fish.
- That was not our agreement.
- I'm not gonna work with this crazy rhino.
- - Keep pushing it, John.
- - Yeah, I keep pushing it, you know.
- Huh? What's your deal, man? Touch my brother again and I'll show you.
- Brother? Your brother? We've got a few minutes.
- Are we gonna spend 'em spitting on each other or talk business? The reason we're all here today is we have a decision to make.
- English, Fitz, or Percy.
- If we're gonna pull this off, we need to take one of them out.
- And you want us to tell you which one? I just want you to help me get to them.
- I'll take it from there.
- - You're crazy.
- - All I need is five minutes.
- - You won't get five seconds.
- - I thought you had everything worked out.
- We're not breaking out of a Jamba Juice.
- It's gonna take more than digging a few holes.
- There are eyes, ears, dots that couldn't be connected from the outside.
- - And English, Fitz or Percy? - One of those dots.
- And how exactly are you supposed to pull this off? With a little help from my friends.
- Sucre, hold up.
- Scofield, you've got company.
- Why do I get the feeling that there's more to you than meets the eye, Scofield? Anything you wanna tell me? Some other reason you're in here besides holding up a bank? - You're being transferred.
- - What? We're moving you over to Statesville.
- - You can't do that.
- - Yes, I can.
- I'm the boss here.
- This is my house.
- - Three weeks.
- - What for? Lincoln Burrows.
- He's being executed in three weeks.
- I'm aware of that.
- What's that to you? He's my brother.
- When I knew I was being sent to prison, my attorney petitioned the DOC.
- - So you could be near him.
- - That's right.
- Don't take that away from me.
- Not until it's over.
- I'm not the one behind the transfer.
- You're up against much bigger fish than me.
- I'll arrange for you to say goodbye.
- You ship out tomorrow.
- I'm going into the walls, see if I can access the roof.
- Were you gonna tell me about the transfer? - I'm taking care of it.
- - You're taking care of it? Sounds to me like you're reaching.
- Maybe.
- A little.
- A little.
- I'd made my peace, then you give me the one thing a man in my situation shouldn't have.
- - Hope.
- And now that's gonna be taken away.
- - Don't do this, Linc.
- I got three weeks.
- What do you want me to do? Come on, Michael.
- What do you want me to do? - Bring her back.
- - You know I can't do that.
- But, look, there's some stuff that I can do.
- It's not gonna be the same, but we're gonna figure it out.
- And no matter what, it's still gonna be me and you.
- OK, but what if something happens to you? You just have a little faith.
- Just have a little faith.
- If we believe Lincoln, this tape is a lie.
- - It has to be.
- - But you saw it.
- It's all there.
- But maybe what we're looking for is what's not there.
- - OK.
- Steadman.
- See, what's he looking at? - A car? A pedestrian? His eye line is high.
- He's looking into the camera.
- He might as well be saying "cheese".
- - Now he just sits there.
- - For 10, 15 seconds, as if he was - Waiting for someone.
- - Right.
- There.
- That's a nine millimetre.
- Shouldn't there be a kick? - Lincoln's pretty strong.
- - Yeah, but strong enough to bury a recoil? Now, you shoot someone, supposedly for revenge.
- Do you take the time to go in and hit the glove box? Or get the hell out of there? Feds said he was trying to make it look like a robbery.
- Look.
- Look at Lincoln's angle as he leaves the frame.
- Mm.
- He walks away from the car.
- Now, this guy, who conveniently hides his face from the camera, comes back in.
- Why? To explain the bloody pants they'd already planted in his apartment.
- Nick, this is great.
- - Who shall we go to? - Nobody.
- Yet.
- To the unbiased eye, we're backing a horse that died in the gate.
- A lot of conjecture.
- We don't have anything.
- We need some evidence.
- Look, if Lincoln didn't fire this gun, somebody with serious skills worked on this to prove he did.
- Fine, but how do we prove that? - I know a guy.
- - You know a guy? Yeah, I know a guy.
- Thanks.
- We need to have a powwow.
- There's been talk about you packing your bags.
- Don't believe everything you hear.
- I'm not going anywhere.
- I have a really hard time trusting you, fish.
- The important thing is that we stay on schedule.
- - Yeah? English, Fitz and Percy? - English, Fitz or Percy.
- Wanna know which one we should take out? With all due respect, I don't need opinions.
- I need answers.
- The warden leaves at five tonight, so by five after five we need that key.
- And how is this key gonna give you the answers? I'll worry about that.
- Worry about getting the key.
- Hey.
- This key better be worth it.
- Understand? Afternoon, Mr Scofield.
- I need to know if there's a way to block a transfer.
- - There's about 50 ways.
- - All right.
- I'll take the quickest.
- You file a motion for what they call an interlocutory injunction.
- - How long does that take? - How fast can you write? A man can claim almost anything violates his constitutional rights.
- Environmental issues, allergies, religious requirements Take your pick.
- - What if they don't buy it? - They're required to hear your motion.
- Till they do, you can't be transferred.
- Hell, they've been trying to move my tired, grey behind for ten years.
- God bless the American legal system.
- Why do you want to stay in here so badly? There's someone here I can't bear to leave behind.
- I guess that means we've got something in common.
- - The state's requiring a physical for Burrows.
- - You heard the news? - No, what? - They're brothers.
- - Who? - Burrows and Scofield.
- Michael Scofield? Heard it from one of the COs over in Gen Pop.
- He didn't say anything about it? No.
- It must be hard to be so close to your brother and not be able to do anything to help him.
- - What's this? - A little bathroom reading.
- - Westmoreland again? - Scofield.
- He's blocking his transfer.
- Even if the motion is denied, it's gonna take 30 days to process.
- And that means All right, I'm going in.
- I'm gonna need your help.
- In in? Now? I thought you were waiting till I need to make sure I know how I'm getting up there so when the time comes In case you didn't notice, the lights are all on.
- You've got a live studio audience, fish.
- How are you gonna get around that? Don't we have some laundry to do? Just to be clear, I ain't touching your drawers.
- Eyes straight ahead.
- - Keep it moving.
- - Eyes front.
- - Keep it moving.
- Keep it moving.
- - Him.
- Get him up.
- Hit him.
- Stay down.
- Come on.
- Come on.
- Fish.
- I can't deal with that.
- Fish.
- Come on.
- Yo, fish.
- Fish, you're taking too long, bro.
- This ain't gonna fly.
- The Ricans, we've got genetically higher blood pressure, you know? My cousin, he died from too much stress.
- You said he was moving in on your girl.
- My other cousin, but thanks for bringing that up.
- Look, the good news is I can get to the roof.
- - So what happens now? - Now? It's all about timing.
- - It's a top-dollar job.
- You know who did it? - No.
- Do you? People who do this kind of work are ghosts, man.
- The guy behind the guy behind the guy, you know? Can you see anything that proves the tape might have been doctored? The thing's clean.
- No footprints.
- Usually, you peel the video back, anything bogus comes off.
- Now you see it, now you don't.
- But not this one.
- It's laced.
- Ingrained.
- Whoa, whoa.
- - You see something? - The problem with eyes is they play tricks.
- But your ears Ears don't lie.
- Here's the audio track from the tape.
- - Sounds pretty true? - Yeah.
- But noise is alive.
- See, it doesn't just die like that.
- Stripped down, those levels should be dancing.
- A room that size would give you a blam, blam, blam, blam, you know.
- Off each wall, a split second after the other.
- On yours, the reverb's bouncing at the same time.
- - What does that mean? - The sound of a gunshot.
- It wasn't recorded in that room.
- - Would you testify to that? - Oh, uh, I don't know.
- The tape's a dupe.
- For all I know, you guys tampered with it.
- Look, if you want me to testify in court, I'm gonna need to get my hands on the original.
- - How are those allergies? - Excuse me? - In your motion, you cited chronic - Sinusitis.
- It's not an allergy, actually.
- It's a bacterial infection.
- The moist air from the river along the east wall helps keep me, you know clear.
- I'm impressed.
- Not even a week here and you're working it like an old con.
- You've got one up on me.
- You know why I needed to file those motions, but I have no idea why you needed to transfer me.
- Traffic control, Scofield.
- That's all.
- Traffic control.
- It's coming up on five o'clock.
- Call it a day.
- - I don't think I can do that.
- - Why not? If I let go of this support, the whole thing's coming down.
- See, the Taj was designed using axial force a series of internal forces along the longitudinal axis.
- - Yeah.
- How much longer? - Depends on how long it takes to dry.
- If you need me to leave, I can show your secretary how to hold it.
- You can stay.
- There'll be a guard outside.
- Just check in with Becky and she'll have somebody escort you back.
- - All right.
- - And, Scofield.
- I wanna thank you for showing up today.
- I would've understood it if you didn't.
- - We had a deal.
- - Right.
- Still, thanks.
- My wife is gonna love it.
- You're welcome.
- - See you tomorrow, sir.
- - Good night, Warden.
- We'd just happen to be two people who happen to know each other, who happen to show up at the same movie theatre at what happens to be the same time.
- You know, from this angle, you look just as good as you did when we first met.
- - How about from this one? - Even better.
- - Oh.
- - Uh-uh.
- Those are for your guests.
- - Guests? - Your associates.
- They said you had a meeting.
- They're in the den.
- Evening, Warden.
- There's nothing I can do.
- I'm obligated to file every motion so a hearing can be scheduled.
- - And how long does that take? - A month, maybe two.
- It's out of my hands.
- Why do I feel you're not disappointed? May I ask you a question, Warden? More of an observation, really.
- I was looking at the morgue photos from that boy back in Toledo Will Clayton and, my Lord, if he wasn't the spitting image of his daddy.
- The apple fell real far from the tree with that one, didn't it? It fell off the tree, fell all over the pavement.
- You son of a bitch.
- Your wife gave you a pass on the affair, but that's all the forgiveness she's got left.
- Especially when it comes to an illegitimate child.
- What happened with young Will, Warden? - Get out of my house.
- - Lose Scofield's paperwork.
- - Are you staying for dinner? - Thanks, but I think we're on our way.
- Judy, it was a real pleasure.
- Thank you.
- And that just may have been the best iced tea I've ever had.
- Warden, better do everything you can to hold on to this one.
- - I will.
- - Good.
- - Is everything all right? - Oh, yeah.
- Just fine.
- I, uh I just have a little unfinished work to take care of.
- I'll be right in.
- OK.
- He's all clear.
- - Evening, Lincoln.
- - Doctor.
- I'm supposed to give you a physical this evening.
- Let me apologise for the dose of irony we're about to participate in.
- It's all right.
- Just doing your job.
- Yeah, well Letting them know you're healthy enough to execute is not why I went to medical school.
- - I apologise.
- - It's OK.
- All right.
- I'm gonna need a family medical history from you.
- Any ailments or conditions that are hereditary.
- Let's start with your mom.
- - Cancer.
- Liver.
- - OK.
- Father? Split when I was young.
- Siblings.
- Anyone besides Michael? Fox River's a small town, Lincoln.
- People around here don't have a whole lot to do besides time and talk.
- Are you close? We were.
- - How about now? - Huh? How about now? He's been abandoned his whole life.
- Dad, Mom She died young and now me.
- Think that's why he's here? Cos your death would feel like it's happening again I abandoned him a long time ago.
- That's why he's here.
- Gates closing.
- - It's time.
- - Time? Oh, God.
- Here we go again.
- Count's in 15 minutes.
- What are you doing? - Trust me.
- The less you know, the better.
- - The less I know? You got me in the dark.
- That's exactly where you wanna be.
- Don't normally find you here at this hour.
- Are you seeking his forgiveness? Or advice? I really don't know any more, Ben.
- All I know is my son Will was my responsibility.
- - If I'd stayed in his life, I could've saved it.
- - His death was an accident, Henry.
- He was a criminal, and an addict, but he was only 18 years old.
- His mother made it clear you couldn't be in his life if you weren't gonna be in hers.
- When you chose to stay with Judy, you understood that.
- I not only understood it, I was grateful for it.
- I told myself I was respecting her wishes.
- I cursed her under my breath while every day I thanked God for allowing me to wash my hands of her.
- Of Toledo.
- All of it.
- So I ran home, to Judy, and I buried the secret.
- But I never got a chance to to bury my my son.
- What kind of a person does that, Ben? Sacrifices somebody else's life just to make their own life easier.
- You can argue with me all night.
- Believe me, I haven't got anything better to do.
- But it won't change the fact that I can't just hand out original copies of evidence.
- - If you could just take a look - I don't care.
- I can't give it to you.
- What if we brought somebody here? Your supervisor could monitor them.
- He'd strip down and swear on a stack of Bibles.
- Whatever.
- Wait.
- What did you say the docket number was? It's 296 SPE.
- - What's wrong? - Come with me.
- Last night a pipe burst upstairs, flooded the place.
- Files from over 100 cases Pretty much lost all of them, including yours.
- - Just this room? - Some kind of freak accident.
- - Count 'em.
- - Callahan, Knight.
- Malinowski, Pohlen.
- Chance, Graziano.
- Scofield, Sucre.
- Scofield, get the hell out here.
- We got a runner.
- Lockdown.
- Lockdown! All right.
- For the last time, piñata.
- Where the hell's Scofield? He's gone, you're gone.
- You hear me? Call it off, Captain.
- I got Scofield right here.
- - Where? - In the warden's office.
- Are you looking at him? Stop trying to nail the secretary and check the damn office.
- Captain, he's gone.
- - The man can't just vanish.
- - I know, sir.
- - He never checked out? The rear door? - Still locked.
- I checked.
- How the hell did he? - What's going on? - You're in the warden's office.
- I could kill you and the paperwork wouldn't need more than a date.
- - Tell me, what were you doing in here? - All right, Deputy.
- That's enough.
- The work wasn't dry.
- You said to stay until it was.
- - You were in here? - Yes, sir.
- - It's true.
- I never saw him leave.
- - I must not have seen him.
- This is ridiculous.
- This prisoner was out of his cell.
- He missed the count.
- I understand, Deputy.
- The thing is, Mr Scofield is not our problem any more.
- There was an error in his paperwork.
- He's gonna be transferred.
- That's not possible.
- Escort the prisoner back to his cell.
- Warden, all I need is three weeks.
- - Get off me! - Come on! Henry, please.
- I just need a little time.
- Just give me the time.
- Any chance you want to write this off as a coincidence? Me neither.
- How could they know we were coming? Three hours ago, we didn't know.
- - We're pissing someone off.
- - You say that like it's a good thing.
- People start breaking the law, you know you're getting warm.
- We still have our copy of the tape, so maybe - Nick.
- - Stay here.
- Whoever it was has gone.
- Does it look like they got anything? No.
- Everything's exactly the way I left it.
- What? What? - What? - The tape.
- It's gone.
- - Are you sure? - How? - Think this through.
- - How could they know? - Wait.
- Does anyone else have a key? - No.
- - Are you sure this is where you put it? - You were here.
- I was talking to you.
- I walked toward the cabinet, and I said What? Veronica, are you OK? Veronica.
- Open up! Breakfast, gentlemen.
- Let's move it.
- Sucre, let's go.
- Scofield, wait here.
- I'm sure your ride'll be along any minute now.
- This can't be it.
- It can't end like this.
- Let's move it.
- - Fitz.
- - What? We were gonna take Fitz out.
- It was as clear as day.
- And the cops? How long did it take them to respond? You got all the timing down? Think we would've made it? Sucre, now.
- Hey, fish face, where are you going? Call my wife.
- Tell her to get the kids and get the hell out of the country.
- Sorry.
- Don't forget to buckle up.
- - What's he doing out of his cell? - He's being transferred.
- No, there must be some mistake.
- This man filed a motion yesterday.
- He has a medical condition which precludes transfer.
- Sinusitis, right? Sinusitis.
- Take the prisoner back to his cell.
- But yank his rec time.
- He missed count last night.
- Hey.
- You're home early.
- Everything OK? Yeah.
- Yeah, it is.
- There's just Judy, there's someone I need to tell you about.
- Yes? - The transfer did not go through.
- - Disappointing.
- - We can refile, but - It's a waste of time.
- I think it's time we stopped beating around the bush, and go after the damn bush.
- Burrows.
- What do you want done? Take the only thing Burrows has left time.
- After all, the chair isn't the only way to take a man's life in prison.
- ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
- 【日本語スクリプト】
「プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1 5.English, Fitz or Percy」
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- 【解説】
![]() 英語字幕 プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1 (Prison Break Season1) 4.Cute Poison |
![]() プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1 (Prison Break Season1) 英語字幕で英会話を勉強しよう! |
![]() 英語字幕 プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1 (Prison Break Season1) 6.Riots, Drills and the Devil (1) |