Prison Break Season1 9.Tweener
- 【English script】
「Prison Break Season1 9.Tweener」
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ - Previously on "Prison Break": Think of this place like a map of the US.
- Our cell over there, that's New York City.
- The infirmary, our exit, that's California.
- The pipes beneath us that connect the two - Route 66.
- - Our ticket out of here.
- Route 66 runs beneath that building.
- It's the only building sitting on top of those tunnels.
- All we gotta do is get in there, on PI, and dig ourselves an onramp.
- - Which one? - Right there.
- This goes down four feet.
- Connects to the main line below.
- All we've gotta do is widen it and we've got ourselves an onramp to Route 66.
- I'm gonna find out, you know, what it is you're doing up there.
- You told me that you had been up in the crawlspace for PI, and PI was never assigned to go there.
- We got you a little get well gift.
- What's your name? There was an explosion.
- Gas line.
- Everyone inside was killed.
- - These people won't stop until we're dead.
- - We can't hide forever.
- How about that kid? The one killed his parents? Oh, they got him.
- He's in custody.
- I know what you look like, you son of a bitch.
- Philly Falzone.
- Word is someone knows where Fibonacci is and you're not doing anything about it.
- Help me.
- Please.
- You'll have to forgive my boy.
- He has the propensity to be a bit gregarious when he shouldn't be.
- Fraternising in the prison shower.
- Come on.
- Maybe you oughta cut the kid a break.
- You wouldn't be meddling in my affairs, now, would you? You can't be that stupid.
- Not while I'm so fully invested in your affairs.
- What's between you and him is between you and him.
- That's what I thought you said.
- You've gotta help me.
- - You gotta help me.
- - This is a matter for the police.
- This is my son we're talking about.
- He's missing.
- Do something! You have got to understand, I am the warden of a prison.
- When it comes to the law, there is nothing I can do.
- Whatever happens is out of my jurisdiction until it comes through those gates.
- - It just did.
- Let me out.
- - What? Let me find him.
- I know how he thinks.
- I know where he'd run.
- I'd have thought by now you'd understand your position as a death row inmate.
- There is no way I can honour that request.
- That ain't true.
- In case of a family emergency, you can grant an inmate supervised leave.
- Your son is a prime suspect in a double homicide.
- Hey.
- What do you think this is, a siesta? You see that? You see my face up there? Any idea how it got there? Work ethic.
- Those two words mean anything in your country? You're on PI, so quit slow-walking me.
- I'm not gonna warn you again.
- What are you looking at? The bulls find this stuff, they'll know we're digging.
- That's why we gotta get rid of it.
- One piece at a time.
- Attention in the yard.
- All prisoners remain 40ft away from gate A.
- New prisoners arriving in five minutes.
- I repeat, attention in the yard.
- All prisoners remain 40ft away from gate A.
- New prisoners arriving in five minutes.
- Attention in the yard.
- All prisoners maintain a 40ft perimeter around gate A.
- Freshmen.
- Best put on our jail face, BG.
- These crabs see you puckering, they bitchify you in a heartbeat.
- - I gotta find something else to call you now.
- - Why's that? Cos you ain't a fish no more.
- You ain't the newest con in the tank.
- I could've done something.
- No.
- T-Bag had his hooks in that kid.
- There was nothing you could have done.
- I could've told the Pope.
- He could've transferred the kid to ADSEG.
- Go easy, Michael.
- You didn't even know him.
- And that makes it OK? I turned my back on him because I didn't wanna make waves.
- It was just easier to look the other way, keep the plan safe.
- And you did.
- But at what price? That's not how she raised us.
- A man's down, you give him your hand.
- She'd roll over in her grave if she knew.
- She wouldn't.
- You've given me your hand, Michael.
- My son's out there with a bull's eye on his back.
- Do whatever you gotta do to get us out of here.
- Please.
- What are you doing? I was just looking for some coffee.
- There isn't any.
- They belonged to my father, if you were wondering.
- - How long have they been in there? - I don't know.
- Five years? You know, Veronica, we've been through a lot and I'm freaking out here as much as you are, but you get this look in your eye sometimes like like I'm the bad guy.
- I don't know who you are.
- You just magically show up like some knight in shining armour.
- You know, I think you seem to be forgetting something here.
- I'm in the cross hairs the same way you are, all for your ex, who is a scumbag criminal who just happens to be in prison for the one crime he didn't commit.
- You know something? I got enough of my own crap to deal with.
- You wanna go, you go.
- - Mind if I lamp with you, cuzzo? - Roll, snowflake.
- Hey, man, I'm just I'm just new, you know? I'm looking for some homies.
- - I said roll.
- - Brother, I'm just launching.
- Yeah? Well, launch somewhere else, white boy.
- All right, y'all.
- I'm fitting to bounce.
- Peace.
- Boy's a bit confused about his pigmentation, but he sure does have spunk, doesn't he? - Abruzzi! - Yeah? What are you doing? What do you mean, what am I doing? - First of the month's coming up, John.
- - Yeah? So? I haven't got my monthly.
- - What? - I checked my balance.
- It's looking deficient.
- Uh It's gotta be some kind of a mistake, like an accounting error.
- Yeah.
- Tell Falzone I don't stand for accounting errors.
- I'm going back into my office at the end of the day.
- Gonna check my balance again.
- If it's not up to where it's supposed to be, all these privileges you got, like running PI, they're gone.
- Get it done, John.
- - Falzone Enterprises.
- - Get Philly.
- - Mr Falzone's not available.
- - You tell him it's John Abruzzi calling.
- - I'm sorry.
- I didn't realise.
- - Well, now you do.
- Um - I'm sorry.
- He's gonna have to call you back.
- - What? Hey I'm sorry.
- About before.
- Pressure's getting to us, that's all.
- Good news is nobody can reach us out here.
- My old man made sure of that.
- Never even hooked up the telephone.
- Same with the well and the generator.
- I used to think he was some kind of conspiracy theory wacko.
- - Turns out maybe he was right.
- - I can't stay, Nick.
- I gotta get back.
- He's got less than two weeks.
- The old man called this his serious tie.
- He only wore it when he really, really meant business.
- Be dangerous showing our faces again.
- Not if they're not looking for us.
- They think we're dead.
- Yeah, but how long is that gonna last? Gotta be quick, be smart about it.
- We're just gonna be running in circles if we think we can find exculpatory evidence before the execution.
- I've gone up against every prosecutor in Cook County.
- Man gets murdered, the first person they talk to to see who his enemies were, the wife.
- - You wanna go after the queen bee herself? - Leslie Steadman.
- Everyone in town knows the old bird lunches at the Lexington every day with the society set.
- Hey, hey.
- Hey, hey! Slow down.
- Slow down! Man, your brother's gonna give us away.
- - Bull's coming.
- - Let's move.
- Hurry up, guys.
- Move it.
- - All right.
- - Everybody out.
- - What? - I said everybody out.
- Now.
- Move it! - Where are we going? - Around the corner.
- And don't move a damn muscle till I come get you.
- Go! What the hell's going on? - We're so bad, aren't we? - You're damn skippy.
- Let's go.
- - You gotta give us more of a warning.
- - I'm sorry.
- He just showed up.
- Mm.
- Mm.
- Mm.
- Oh, we're gonna get caught by the warden.
- Oh! Baby, right now, in this room, at this moment, - I am the warden.
- - Oh! - Then say it.
- - No.
- - Come on, baby, say it.
- - Oh! - Say it.
- - You're the warden, Louis! Yes, yes.
- The sneaky son of a bitch.
- You think he found the hole? Another inch and he'd have found it.
- We need to find something to cover this hole ASAP.
- Broke.
- What do you mean, broke? The C-Corp, the investment accounts, even the offshore stuff, Caymans, Bermuda Philly Falzone liquidated everything.
- Hey, I told you from the beginning what would happen if you screwed me.
- I heeded it.
- That's why I warned you from the get-go not to give Philly power of attorney.
- We had that conversation, remember? Look, the only real funds you have left are the 30,000 in your wife's pocket account.
- - Now, I can - Don't.
- Don't touch that.
- Nobody touches that but her.
- What do I tell her? You know, about all this? Don't tell her anything, OK? The statements are going to come.
- She's going to know.
- Hey, I told you.
- Don't tell her.
- All right? You got a problem with that? OK, John.
- You know where to contact me if you need anything else.
- The same goes for you.
- Hey.
- Hey! - Philly.
- - You.
- So good to see you.
- For you, the answer's always yes, Philly.
- Sit down.
- - Sit down.
- - Come on, John.
- There's no record of a Fox River medical practice on our list of participating HMOs or PPOs.
- That's because we're a state penitentiary, and we're in kind of a unique situation here.
- Mr Scofield's insurance policy from his previous employer hasn't lapsed.
- The state's demanding that you pay for his treatment and not the taxpayers.
- OK.
- Well, it says here he already met his deductible.
- OK.
- Oh, no, wait.
- That's his psych deductible, not his medical.
- Sorry.
- Psych as in psychiatric? Did I give you permission to call Philly? Hey, I asked you a question, man.
- Listen.
- There, uh there's been a restructuring.
- This comes from Philly himself.
- You couldn't deliver Fibonacci, so I'm the man in here now.
- Run to the commissary and get me a packet of chips.
- We'll pretend this never happened.
- No, I'm telling you, John.
- The sooner you face these facts, the better off we will all be.
- I can kill you in a heartbeat.
- Somehow, I doubt that.
- The sooner you face facts, the better off we will all be.
- You're yesterday's news, John.
- - What's the word? Y'all cooking brownies? - Act your race, milk chicken.
- What's the deal, yo? You got tough buckets or something? You're a disgrace to your skin, you know that? The boy just slipped.
- Ain't that right? - Come on.
- Stand up.
- - Cons, let's get back to your cells.
- What's your name, boy? - Who's that? - Stolte.
- Stolte.
- You've heard about my kid, right? - Take the tray, Linc.
- - I, uh I just need to call him.
- Just take the tray, or I'm gonna shove it in there and you can eat it off the ground.
- You have a son.
- Josh.
- Don't do anything stupid, Linc.
- I'm not.
- I just wanna ask you a question, then I'm gonna let go.
- What if it were Josh? What if it were your son? Please.
- - Dad? - LJ.
- Thank God.
- Are you all right? No.
- Nowhere near it.
- - What do you mean? Where are you? - What they're saying about me, it's not true.
- - I know it's not true.
- - They killed her.
- They killed her.
- Right in front of me.
- Right in front of my eyes.
- - You gotta - Why are they doing this? You gotta step up.
- You gotta be the man now.
- - You understand me, LJ? - Yeah.
- - OK.
- I want you to call Veronica.
- - Her number is disconnected.
- I already tried.
- Nick Savrinn.
- You call Nick Savrinn.
- Works for Project Justice.
- You call him once we're done.
- You got it? Nick Savrinn.
- OK.
- - OK, I'll call.
- I'll call.
- - All right, man.
- Hang in there, man.
- It's gonna be all right.
- Hey - They're here.
- - Who's here? LJ? LJ! You hear that? Did you hear it? You know what that means? Why don't you ask your mom what it means? Oh, I'm sorry.
- You might have trouble getting an answer out of her right about now, huh? LJ? - I saw that.
- - Just getting connected, that's all.
- There she is.
- Mrs Steadman? I'm Dick Sisler.
- This is Francette Kelly of the National Victims' Rights Association.
- We assist victims of violent crimes, gather support for tough-on-crime politicians.
- If your organisation's looking for a hand-out, you can go through my business manager.
- Ma'am, that is not why we're here, actually.
- May we sit down? We hoped you could help us with one of our more public cases.
- The Lincoln Burrows case.
- He's making claims that he's innocent, that others had motive to murder your husband.
- - I don't have time for a long conversation.
- - It doesn't have to be long.
- If we talked about who had motive to kill Terrence, we'd be here all day.
- - I'm sorry? - Look around.
- Half the people here were shareholders in his company.
- Every one of them sat at my husband's memorial and every one of them was thinking the same thing: "Thank God he's gone.
- " - Why would they think that? - Money.
- As soon as rumours of the indictment started, they ran for the exits.
- - I wasn't aware of any indictment.
- - It never came down.
- He died first.
- - Anything to do with Ecofield? - Do the math.
- CEO gets indicted for fraud.
- Investors start losing money.
- Lots of money.
- If I didn't know Burrows pulled that trigger, I'd say it was any one of these people in the restaurant.
- We're talking half a billion dollars.
- People have killed for a lot less.
- Hey, what's up? 'Sup? Not a good position you find yourself in, is it? Whites don't want you.
- Blacks don't want you.
- You're just caught in the middle, aren't you? A regular 'tweener.
- We're different, you and me, lot of ways.
- But, you know, the funny thing is we're also a lot alike.
- Couple of dogs with runny noses that nobody loves.
- How's that knee, by the way? - What the hell are you doing? - Don't get me wrong.
- I'm just a friend.
- - A fruity friend.
- I don't need none of that.
- - Easy.
- No.
- No.
- You think you're getting up in this, you got another thing coming, you homo.
- - You got a foul mouth, you know that? - Yeah.
- I do.
- And you come near me again, I'm gonna kill you.
- Well, then, you're just gonna have to, little man.
- - You sleep with one eye open.
- - Bring it on.
- - Oh, I'm gonna bring it on in spades.
- - You oughta leave that kid alone.
- Maybe you are in no position to be telling me my business.
- Hm? That's what I thought.
- I'm sure you can understand my reluctance to discuss past patients.
- My understanding is that under HIPAA we're allowed to share information as long as it furthers the care of the patient.
- I'm not accustomed to making enquiries like this, but I I feel like I can get through to him.
- I can help him.
- - I imagine he needs it in there.
- - What did you treat him for? Michael suffered from a couple of things.
- One was a condition called low latent inhibition.
- Sorry.
- I'm not familiar with the term.
- People who suffer from low latent inhibition see everyday things like you or I do, like this lamp.
- But where we just process the image of a lamp, they process everything.
- The stem, the bulb, the bolts, even the washers inside.
- Their brains are more open to incoming stimuli in the surrounding environment.
- Other people's brains Yours and mine shut out the same information.
- We have to do it in order to keep our sanity.
- If someone with a low IQ has low latent inhibition, it almost always results in mental illness.
- But if someone has a high IQ, it almost always results in creative genius.
- Do you think Michael's a genius? Well, I think that word's been derogated in the media these days.
- But in the classic sense of the word, yes, I do.
- You You said there was something else you treated him for? He came to me with absolutely no sense of self-worth.
- The loss of both parents very often does that to a child.
- But with the low latent inhibition, something interesting happened to Michael.
- He became very attuned to all the suffering around him.
- He couldn't shut it out.
- He became a rescuer, one of those people who are more concerned with other people's welfare than their own.
- I didn't know all this about him.
- Then maybe you don't know Michael Scofield.
- Yeah.
- I checked my voicemail at work.
- Lincoln's son LJ just left me a message.
- He's in trouble.
- - Hello? - LJ, it's Veronica.
- Where are you? Oh, Veronica, I don't know.
- You gotta come get me.
- We can't, OK? We're not in Chicago.
- You have to come to us.
- Oh.
- All right.
- Where's that? Oh.
- Oh.
- How the hell do they know where I am? - What's going on? - How do they know where I am? - LJ, LJ, I want you to listen to me.
- - Everywhere I go, they're there.
- I want you to listen to me, OK? I need you to come to us.
- We're in Lake Mercer.
- - Where's that? - On the Iowa border.
- There's a bus station.
- We'll meet you there.
- - They're still alive.
- - The bird in the hand just became three.
- - Keep your cellphone open.
- - Let's go.
- - But the kid's right - Let's go.
- - OK.
- - OK, what? OK, I'll keep it open.
- They're leaving.
- They're leaving.
- LJ, I need to know that you hear me, OK? Lake Mercer.
- Lake Mercer.
- OK.
- All right, bye.
- What the hell are you doing? Delivering yesterday's news.
- Your bus leaves from depot six in just a few minutes.
- Thanks.
- - Yo, man, get off me, bitch.
- - Let's pants him.
- I wanted you to know that if you're looking for someone to talk to, you're not alone.
- It's part of my job to counsel inmates and help them with their problems.
- I got things pretty well figured out.
- I sort of backed into some information about you.
- I hope you don't mind, but there's a reason I became a doctor.
- It's in my nature to want to help.
- From what I understand, it's in your nature too.
- You did a lot of good things before you were in here.
- Community work, charity work.
- What happened? The man you're talking about died the moment I stepped inside these walls.
- All right.
- Shuttle now arriving on platform one.
- Shuttle departs in ten minutes.
- Ladies and gentlemen, United States Secret Service.
- Please remain calm.
- Remain where you are.
- Watch your step, son.
- Hey.
- Come here.
- It's OK.
- They're leaving.
- You're safe now, all right? You received communication from your attorney.
- Please sign this document certifying that I inspected it for contraband without at any time breaching attorney-client privilege by reading the materials enclosed herein.
- - What are you grinning about? - I'm gonna be out in the real world in a bit.
- The fact that I'm gonna get me one fine piece of tail certainly don't hurt either.
- Nothing like tail, eh, Scofield? - Son of a bitch! - This ends right now.
- Oh, you just screwed some major league pooch, pretty.
- I'm gonna sing like a whole tree full of birds now.
- Badge! You wanna sing, then sing.
- But you know what I think? You don't have the guts.
- You want out of here just as much as the rest of us.
- We got a problem here? No.
- I, uh I thought we was missing some tools here.
- My bad.
- Get back to work.
- Now.
- You and I may be stuck together in this little dance, but I call the shots.
- First shot, that kid out there, you don't touch him ever.
- Do we understand each other? We do.
- Out of the way, Julio.
- Abruzzi.
- You and me, we're gonna have a conversation.
- How come he didn't fall through? - What? - I warned you.
- I'll get it together.
- You gotta give me more time.
- You've had your time, John.
- You tripping on something, Alice? Yeah.
- That's what I thought.
- Lamp it up in here again, I'll be fixing to break some shop.
- Uh-oh.
- We got a problem.
- Bellick.
- Boss.
- Boss.
- What's happening? What are they doing? - Fixing the break room.
- - What are you talking about? That's PI.
- I run it.
- Not any more, you don't.
- ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
- 【日本語スクリプト】
「プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1 9.Tweener」
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- 【解説】
![]() 英語字幕 プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1 (Prison Break Season1) 8.The Old Head |
![]() プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1 (Prison Break Season1) 英語字幕で英会話を勉強しよう! |
![]() 英語字幕 プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1 (Prison Break Season1) 10.Sleight of Hand |