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Prison Break Season1 21.Go

【English script】 
「Prison Break Season1 21.Go」

Previously on Prison Break: I need you to let me get us out of here.
If you try to screw me over again, I'll kill you.
Because if Crazy steps out of line, all I gotta do is shoot him with 40ccs of shut-your-trap, and it's beddy-bye.
Scofield and his whole PI crew, they're escaping.
You know I can't let you leave here, boss.
I've been clean for 18 months now.
I want to help people get from where I've been to where I am.
I'm getting my brother out of here tonight, and I need your help.
You're asking me to break the law.
I'm asking you to make a mistake.
Forget to lock up.
Leave the door unlocked when you leave tonight.
- The inmates in the psych ward all wear - White.
- Peroxide acts as a bleach.
- Camouflage.
- Where's your girl? - She'll be at my place in about an hour.
Pretty soon, we're going to call in our favor.
I'm getting on that plane with or without you.
I can't let you do that.
- There's been an acceleration.
- Don't you want a bigger plane? Well, not everybody gonna have a ticket.
If you can't convince a doddering old fool what the best thing is for this country's economy, perhaps you're not the kind of helper we're looking for.
I'm breaking out, and you're going to make sure my brother goes with me.
You son of a bitch.
We're going to take this real easy, Warden.
I just need you to do a couple things for me.
- You just bought yourself 10 years.
- Warden? Bellick's truck is here, sir.
I'm staring right at it.
Should we start looking for him? - Michael, if you just put that shank down - Tell the guard you spoke with Bellick, and he said he's taking some personal time.
You can't possibly get away with this, son.
I don't think you want to find out how badly I want to get my brother out of here.
- Sir? - Mack.
Yes, sir.
I just spoke with Bellick.
He's walked into town.
- He's taking some personal time.
- Is he all right? - He's fine.
- Copy that.
I just need you to do one more thing.
Have Lincoln transferred to the infirmary.
And he needs to be there overnight.
How long have you been planning this? That is a conversation for another day, Warden.
- Pope to Base.
- Go ahead, sir.
Have Lincoln Burrows transferred to the infirmary.
- I want him held overnight for tests.
- Copy that.
Once we're gone, you'll find Bellick in a hole under the guards' break room.
I'm sorry you got caught in the middle, but, one day, you'll understand why I did this.
You'll never make it over the wall.
I'm sorry, Henry.
Everything all right? Yeah, he's getting an earful from someone over at the DOC.
Is he on with Mr.
Drushal? I'm not sure, but it's turning into a conference call and he said he didn't want to be disturbed.
- Oh, well, of course.
- Have a good night.
You know, Michael You know, he can be a big old grump sometimes, but I hope you know how highly he thinks of you.
There's no way he'd get that Taj Mahal done in time for his anniversary without your help.
It's 6:55.
That's five minutes till tier.
It's one hour till the next count.
One hour to get over that wall and as far away from this prison as possible.
You unscrewed the toilet, right? That's five minutes we don't have.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm just Just I just feel like my head is spinning a little.
Are you okay? If we get caught, I can't do 10 more years, bro.
I can't.
Tier time, one hour! There's no going back now.
If you get stuck in one of them pipes, boy Bull.
Keep walking, Bull, keep walking.
- You okay? - Great.
It's got blue spots.
- No, I got a late start.
- Only one thing you needed to do.
Block the gate.
I got to finish this off.
Said a prayer for you, Theodore.
Said a prayer for us all.
I want him dead.
Anybody gets in the way, gets run over.
Hey, do you want some coffee? Just a half cup, Mack.
If I have more than that, I'll be up all night.
Thank you, bro.
How many more screws? Get C-Note out here.
Huh? Haven't seen him, man.
That's real touching and all, you sticking up for a brother, but y'all need to step aside, right now.
Something you need? - Where is he? - Told you, we haven't seen him.
Wilson, medical eval, five minutes.
Ramirez, report to the This whole time, everything you said was a lie? No.
No, I never stopped fighting for Lincoln's innocence, never.
They approached me after I took this case.
Who's they? John Abruzzi.
- John Abruzzi, the mob boss? - Yes, yes.
How much did he pay you? My father's freedom.
- You said your father was exonerated.
- I lied, okay? I agreed to keep tabs on you.
In exchange, Abruzzi had some guy who was already doing a life sentence cop to the murder that my father didn't commit.
And that's how I got him out of jail.
- Your dad's life for mine.
- No one needs to get hurt here, Veronica.
Oh, you think Abruzzi wants legal advice from me? All you have to do is make sure Michael gives this Abruzzi guy what he needs to know, that's it.
Nick, you don't think they're gonna let me live, do you? I gotta believe that.
Stand up.
We have to go.
Get up.
Here you go.
Sucre, drop the sheet.
Manche, you're next.
Let's move it.
That one's for you.
Move your fat ass.
That's for you.
Age before beauty.
All right.
So, you got a key to the infirmary? Not exactly.
- All right.
How are we doing, baby? - Not good.
We're already 10 minutes behind.
Let's move it.
Give me that.
Help! Help! Help! Help! - Did you hear that? - Hear what? Help! Hear anything? There's nobody here, man.
I swear, I heard something.
Come on, let's go.
You scream and I'll cut out your windpipe, got me? I need his jacket and his hat.
Evening, Doc.
Brains of the outfit, huh, Scofield? He's leading you off a cliff, boys.
Now, you're acting like you still in charge.
Shut your mouth, bitch.
Let's go.
You know, he's Nick, please don't do this.
Tell Michael to give Abruzzi what he wants.
Please, Nick, come on, they're going to kill me.
Nick! Nick! Please, no! No, Nick.
Everyone put your coveralls on.
I'll be back in a minute.
Yo, where you going, man? Hey! You heard him.
Come on.
This is ridiculous, man.
One, three, five, eight.
Three, five, eight, one.
Eight, one, three, five.
The scope of this, which we're all aware of, can cloud judgment.
I suggest we look at this in very simple terms.
We have an employee, she's not working out.
We fire her.
It needs to be that simple.
She's the Vice President of the United States.
And that's all she'll ever be.
She's plummeting in the polls.
If we keep her as our candidate, we're handing the presidency to her opponent, and then everything we hope to gain with Caroline in office, it's all gone.
We ask her to drop out.
How do we know she'll keep her mouth shut on everything she knows? Samantha? Yes, sir.
I need a very frank assessment from you, right now.
Based on your contact with her, will the Vice President go quietly? No.
Absolutely not.
Becoming president is the most important thing to her.
If we take that away, she has absolutely nothing to lose.
And I guarantee you, she will do everything she can to take everyone she can down with her.
We need to make a move on her.
Okay, here we go.
You okay, Doc? - What's going on? - I don't know.
What are we supposed to do, just sit here? No.
I don't know! Man.
This whole thing is messed up, bro.
Feel free not to come, Gordo.
We're screwed.
We're screwed! Come on, let's go! Let's - Michael, we got to go back.
- We're moving forward.
We stick with the plan.
Look, do your ears work, fool? Do you hear that? It's the fire alarm in psych ward.
- How do you know? - I set it off.
Why? Exit the building in an orderly fashion.
Exit the building in an orderly fashion.
We're in the sticks.
You know how many people would have heard a jet like this land? Don't worry about it.
False alarm.
Back to the psych ward, everyone.
Walk in with me, now.
Very good.
- Just gonna keep on walking.
- Come on, guys, you heard him.
Come on, let's go.
It's cold out here.
That's it.
Come on, baby, let's go.
Hold up! - Got some stragglers.
- Cool.
Let's go! Wait a minute.
That's not wack-shack-issue.
Everybody, stop! Stay where you are! I said, stay where you are.
What's the problem? That's John Abruzzi right there.
Yeah, that's That's bad news.
Listen, you got that sedative you were talking about? - Yeah.
- You got some now? - Yeah.
- Let's have it.
- This will put him out, right? - Like a light.
Let's go.
Let's go, let's go! - Where are we going? - Straight down the hall.
Straight down.
Nick, please don't do this.
Come on.
- What's going on? - I'm getting you to the airport.
Go, go, go.
You get to Blackfoot, you find Steadman.
There's still time for you to get to the bottom of this thing.
Take this, take this.
I'm sorry about this, okay? You gotta believe me, I'm sorry.
- Take her to O'Hare.
- You bet.
Dad, you still got the key to my apartment? Yeah, just meet me there.
I'll explain it later, just meet me there.
Halfway there, yo.
- What's up? - I know you told Bellick.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- But I owed you, and I pay my debts.
But as soon as we're out of here, you go your way, we'll go ours.
You understand? Oh, Sara.
It was a false alarm at the psych ward.
That's what all that racket was about.
Good, thank you.
Good night.
Look, baby, it ain't worth it if it's gonna kill you.
I'm getting out of here.
Good night, Doctor.
- You're overreacting.
- I don't mean to shock you, Paul, but I am privy to things that you're not.
And I am telling you, the company is selling me down the river.
- It's a Legend for Literacy fundraiser.
It doesn't mean anything.
It's a rubber-chicken dinner.
Which I got uninvited to on the day of.
You don't do that to your candidate, unless the candidate is no longer your candidate.
Caroline, you've been drinking, you're upset.
How can you not understand this is so beyond me.
I would think, after being by my side for 15 years, you would have gained at least a rudimentary understanding of how things work.
Listen to me.
Listen to me.
They're doing this to see how you will react.
So you need to be strong.
Be presidential, and you get through this.
We get through this.
I'm figuring I'll need a two-inch lift, if I'm gonna run with the new set of 30-by-nine-and-a-halfs.
Question is, add coil springs or just stay with the spacers? What do you think? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy, hey.
I ain't a hero for $14 an hour.
You do what you will.
- Uncuff my brother.
- You got it, boss.
- Pretend I ain't here, boss.
- Oh, yeah.
You and the radio.
Dad, are you here? Dad, you gotta get ready.
We gotta go.
How's it going, Savrinn? And I get why the guy's lighting the candle, but why are the other two playing the bagpipes? Welcome to Joke Line.
Just $2.
99 a minute - What the hell? - 50 cents for each additional minute.
Where's the lawyer? - She's gone.
- Yeah? - Then so is your dad.
- No, no! Don't.
- Have you got her or not? - I can find her.
And will you have her in front of me in the next two minutes? It's a very simple question, Nick.
Just Just give me a chance.
You just got to listen to me.
- No! - Hey! This is happening right now! You have one more chance! Where's the lawyer? Where's the lawyer? She's about a million miles away from here.
You're never gonna find her.
Why don't you just sock it? Better be open, bro.
We're in.
First we gotta get that window out, then we gotta get the bars off.
Manche, Manche.
- Is this gonna work? - We're about to find out.
Warden? Warden? Ready.
Pull that.
Come on.
What now, genius? Take your time.
We got 15 minutes to get over that wall.
We're through.
And you're sure you didn't see him walk out? Positive.
Let's go, guys, I need those suits.
Good job, kiddo.
Let's go, let's go.
Come on.
Take this.
I knew it.
- Haywire.
- I knew it.
As soon as I saw you go into psych ward, I knew it.
Either I come with You want me to make a little person-to-person call here? Haywire, just take it easy.
The other person being a correctional officer.
He's in.
- What? - He's in.
You're crazy! Okay, after Lincoln, we go alphabetically.
- Whoa, hold on, A-bruzzi.
- You want a seat on the plane? Line forms after me.
Got it? Yeah.
Go, go, go.
- Hey, Roy? - Yeah? - Did you see Pope leave? - No.
No way he could have walked by? I haven't left my post since I punched in.
All right.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Charles? - You okay, old man? - No.
Let's take a look.
It's just a few more steps.
You can make it.
Oh, I could make it another foot, maybe two, but why? I wasn't going for me.
I was going for my daughter.
And you can do that.
Will you promise me? Yes, I promise.
The money is buried under a silo at the Double K Ranch just outside of Tooele, Utah.
There's plenty to split.
The government didn't want any more embarrassment after I took off with the money, so they lowballed it to the papers.
The truth is, Michael, it's not $1 million under that silo.
There's $5 million there.
- You check the chow hall? - Yeah.
- Anybody try his cell phone? - Oh.
Give Anna her Papa's love.
I will.
I will.
Here, easy, easy.
Now, where is that coming from? - Oh! Oh, my God.
- Control, this is S and E 5.
I have a code three in the warden's office.
I repeat, code three.
- Sound the alarm.
- Patterson to Base.
Right now.
- No, right now.
- Sound the alarm! - Yo, bro, we gotta go.
- Go, Michael.
Go, and don't look back.
- No, no, no.
- Go on.
I better go last.
Come on, Michael! Come on.
Come on.
Michael, move it! All prisoners, prepare for immediate shakedown.
Come on! Michael, come on! Come on, Michael.
Michael, come on.
Go, go, go.
Come on, move it! Michael, come on, move.
Michael! Michael, grab my hand.
Michael, give me your hand.
Give me your hand.
Come on.
Give me your hand.
Come on.
Check out the wire.
He's on the wall! Get down! - Don't shoot! Don't shoot! - Get down! 



「プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1  21.Go」







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英語字幕 プリズン・ブレイク シーズン1 (Prison Break Season1) 20.Tonight
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