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Prison Break Season3 9.Boxed In

【English script】 
「Prison Break Season3 9.Boxed In」

Previously on Prison Break Sona's a one way street.
What goes in never comes out.
They got us.
LJ and Sara will be traded for Whistler.
Are we clear? I'll tell you the plan when you tell me who you are.
- I'm a fisherman.
- Really? My life is in your hands.
How's LJ? How's Sara? She's dead, Michael.
I lied to you.
You are breaking out of this prison, and you're taking me with you.
If I'm out of here by then, I can still do it.
There've been 2 escape attempts in the past 2 days.
Say goodbye to Sona, M.
My predecessor, Colonel Escamilla, wasn't an effective leader.
He's been replaced.
I am general Zavala.
A drink of water? With all due respect, I had nothing to do with what happened today.
I always conduct a thorough investigation, and there are too many unanswered questions here.
It is my job to find those answers.
If you help me do my job, I'll help you.
The helicopters.
You alone couldn't be responsible for that.
You certainly weren't flying a helicopter, right? But you know who sent them.
Again, be advised.
Telling the truth is in your best interest.
I am.
Let's go for a walk.
I understand your fears, but the Republic of Panama cannot allow this sort of activity.
If you wish to talk, now is the time.
I would - if there was anything left to say.
- Then you give me no choice.
This way.
This isn't good.
They're putting him in a hot box.
Things are gonna get much harder for you.
There's no way to win.
You must cooperate.
Confess to this escape and face your punishment by law, or face a far greater punishment in the Panama sun.
It's up to you.
He's done.
He's finished.
I hope my brother's all right.
- Does it hurt? - It's fine.
I'm gonna get to the prison.
I was watching the news in the waiting room.
They identified a few bodies, but - it wasn't them.
- I'll find out when I get there.
- You want to come? - I don't know.
After all that happened, I don't know what to think anymore.
- What more is there to think about? - James has an answer for everything, - but it never makes sense.
- Stop asking questions, just look at the facts.
I wanted to believe everything he was saying, - and I still want him to get out.
- I want him out as well.
Trust me, I've been working on this every single day.
Lincoln, I really appreciate everything you have done.
You saved my life.
You didn't have to help me like that.
I did.
Get in the car.
Everywhere I go, there you are.
Go home, Sofia.
Part of me wanted to drive right past this gate, Alex.
You don't deserve to be here.
Actually, if you take all things into consideration I do.
- Thank you.
- Wait.
My father worked in a mine for 30 years.
He took this into work with him every day.
Kept him safe till the day he retired.
Then he gave it to me.
I can't take this.
Give it back when you get out.
- Take care of yourself, Alex.
- Yeah.
What? You ain't got the guts to do it yourself? This is for you, so shut up before I change my mind.
After yesterday, you may be doubting my ability to make good on our agreement.
I need to keep you motivated.
You have one minute.
LJ, thank God you're alive.
- Forget it.
You can't do anything.
- There's always something.
These guys are thorough.
They follow you everywhere.
Trust me.
That bitch is crazy.
She cut Sara's head off.
I was there.
I closed my eyes, but I heard it.
You listen to me.
I won't let anything happen to you.
The next time you see me, don't take your eyes off me.
I'll tell you what to do.
All right? Minute's up.
Me and your uncle, we know what we're doing.
We'll get you out of this.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
Looks like things didn't go so well.
- You should be gone.
- So should you.
What happened? It's still happening.
I feel bad for Michael, but we have a way without him.
- You should get some rest.
- What's the way? I'll rest.
I'll rest when I'm out.
I won't go without you.
You have my word.
Now get some rest.
You see Scofield out in that redneck sauna? Maybe he has the tattoo to get out of that one.
You were in on it, right? I see you guys lurking around Lechero.
- Scofield gotta have a plan to escape.
- If so, I know none of it.
Yeah, I bet you don't.
Too many cocktails out on the Lido deck.
Here comes trouble.
- Clean it up.
- Yeah, I'll get right on that.
You heard what I said? I told you to do something.
- Do it.
- Cleaning up chunks - ain't in my job description anymore.
- Things changed.
- You see, you answer to us now.
- You don't scare me, caveman.
Go bug someone else! I have a special delivery.
I need to get it in real quick.
- How much? - I gave you ten grand.
For the last one.
How much for this one? - No grand.
- Then no thanks.
- Take this water to the prisoner.
- Why should I? He doesn't deserve it.
I'll do it.
Hi, brother.
Remember me? This isn't gonna work.
- Come on, papi, drink this.
- Don't let anything happen to LJ, OK? It's okay.
He's doing much better than you.
Come on.
Drink this.
You need it.
I'm sorry about Sara.
I'll try to sneak more into the prison next time, okay? I want you to quit.
I can't.
- We all have to quit sometime.
- I'm not gonna.
You're in a chicken coop, you any possible need help.
Don't need your help.
Don't come back.
Not after everything you've done for me.
So you tried to catch a flight out of here yesterday? - I had to do what I had to do.
- But you went back on our deal.
I was saving my own ass.
You're familiar with the strategy.
You watch it! I'm still boss here.
Who cares about who's boss? Do you wanna get out of here or do you wanna keep talking about it? It's okay.
We just need to brace it.
We need the engineer.
Move it.
Let's get out of here before Sammy gets back.
Let's go inside.
We'll have a chat in the air conditioning.
Tomorrow is going to be hotter, the next day, even hotter.
The day after that, you'll be dead.
You don't understand.
If I thought you could help me I can.
You're unaware of the influence I have in this province.
You'd rather I be your ally than your enemy, wouldn't you? You don't know these people.
We can't stop them.
Not you, not me.
There was a man, a drug kingpin, the most powerful man in Panama.
A ruthless killer with an army of thugs and thieves behind him.
He killed judges, policemen, anyone who stood in his way.
They said he couldn't be stopped, but now Lechero is in prison, and I'm in power.
I decide whose life is at stake, and right now, it's yours.
From the moment I got here I've been planning my escape.
He's talking.
How do you know? You can't get out of the box any other way.
The people who sent the helicopters, they're the same people who framed my brother back in the U.
The same people who wanted me here in Sona.
In order for you to break out another inmate? Who are these people? I don't know, but they have my brother's son.
They like to keep collateral.
I could be putting his life in danger as we speak.
If what you told me is true you would be saving him.
I would call my troops and order a search for the boy immediately.
But this story - it's fiction.
- It's true.
It's what you wanted.
It's the only thing I have left to give.
His name is LJ.
He's only 16 years old.
What's that smell? Armandos.
- These things cost money.
- Somebody gave them to me.
- Who? - This guy I ran some stuff into the prison for him.
Some stuff? Like what? Drugs? - Who cares? He paid me.
- You should have quit that job! I know, OK? I need some cash for my kid.
Maricruz doesn't have insurance.
I just saw Michael.
- He's in solitary confinement.
- What? They put him in a box in the middle of the yard, all by himself.
He can't do anything.
It's going to be okay.
It's not going to be okay.
I don't know what to do, man.
Everything's just fallen apart.
What you lookin' at? The view.
I can't help but notice you and Lechero made friends.
He's been hanging out with a lot of white boys lately.
- Got a problem with that? - No, but Sammy does.
I've been looking close, like I always do, and I know you all would be a lot better off if Sammy were no longer around.
Wouldn't have to worry about his snout poking in your business.
- And you're suggesting? - We both know it needs to happen.
There aren't many men who'd take out Sammy.
I have one particular man in mind.
A man who owes me.
But if I pull through, I'm in the club, guaranteed.
- You're gonna see to it.
- All right.
I assume you have the power to make this deal.
I do.
Well, thank you, sir.
Look, I've been thinking about what you told me, - but I can't quit my job.
- Do what you wanna do.
I would if you could kick me a few bucks.
This again? I told you.
I don't have any cash.
- What do you expect me to do? - Do what you want.
- You could use my help.
- You're gonna charge your friendship? - I got a kid on the way! - And I got a kid I may never see again.
Yeah, get me Gretchen.
Much to my surprise, there seems to be some degree of truth to your tale.
Everything is true.
- That's for me to determine.
- What more can I say? This inmate.
The one who you've been sent to free.
He should be able to verify what you told me.
He should but - I don't know if he will.
- Tell me his name.
These people'll kill my nephew.
Tell me you'll do everything to find him.
- I will but I need a name.
- I need your word.
You have it.
I'll find the boy.
Now, the name! What's wrong? Why don't you tell me? I went to that apartment, your apartment.
And this woman showed up like she knew you.
And then I found a passport.
Who's Gary Miller? That apartment, that passport, it's all for us.
It's how we'll get away.
When I get out of this place, I'll be working on a way for us to be together.
We always talked about France, remember? James Yeah.
Our plan to be together.
James, how can I believe you? How can I believe anything anymore? And just know, just know that I love you.
You're facing some serious charges.
Michael Scofield told me there are some people out there who are very determined to get you out of here.
- What's he talking about? - You know nothing about this? Scofield's a smart man but he's got a rabid imagination.
So you're calling him a liar? More or less.
I've been able to verify the story.
I already know everything, Mr.
Whistler, in detail.
I just need a name.
Who's in charge on the outside? We can end this right now if you can provide it.
What are you talking about? - What's going on here? - Gracias.
Now, start over.
There you are.
And here I am, without my bag of goodies.
I was afraid you were gone for good.
Party would not be the same without you.
I'm glad you're back 'cause I need a favor.
It involves you, a chicken foot and a man who's got it comin'.
What man? You get well and you get him in that ring, and you do that one, that neck thing.
In exchange, I'm gonna cover all your medical expenses.
You take your time.
I'm gonna go get my bag right now, put you out of this misery.
You're the best cock in the fight, Alex.
Please don't let me down.
Maybe now you'll feel more comfortable telling me the truth.
Are you working with Scofield? - Are you working with Scofield? - Yes! Yes, I'm working with Scofield.
But there's no one else involved.
As they say in America, we're gonna get this story straight.
I told him the truth.
I suggest you do the same.
- I have.
- He's confirmed nothing! Ask him about the woman he's been meeting with.
- It's not what you think.
- What matters is what you know.
You know her name and the fact that he won't admit it tells me that he's no - innocent bystander in this.
- You know I am! Prove it.
'Cause it's the only way to get out of here.
Michael, this is suicide.
They'll kill Sofia.
- and your nephew.
- This is the man who can help us, but he can't without a name, so tell him! We don't have a choice.
It's over.
Gretchen Morgan.
I don't know where she lives, I don't know how you find her.
That's all I know, her name.
Gretchen Morgan.
Two more of those.
- Uh-uh.
I'm gonna get going.
- No, he'll stay.
Relax Fernando, is it? I just want to talk a minute.
This right here is as alone as we're gonna get.
I heard about your argument with Lincoln.
You people are everywhere, huh? You know him better than I do, but from personal experience, Burrows can be hard to handle.
That man doesn't like to be told what to do.
He sure likes bossing everyone else around.
You have to start looking out for yourself, Fernando.
Level the playing field.
All you have to do is go back, apologize, tell him you'll stay on a few more days for free.
And tomorrow or the day after, I'll call you and we'll meet for a drink.
In exchange, I'll pay.
I know what you think, but I'm not asking you to do anything - that doesn't help everyone in the end.
- How is this helping? Lincoln causes as many problems as he solves.
He needs to get out of his own way and I think you can assist him.
I stay one step ahead, and you get 50 grand.
I don't know.
I think you do.
Where do I find this Gretchen Morgan? She's somewhere here in the city.
That's not much help in a city of 1M people.
It could take days, weeks! I told you.
I only know her name.
- I have no idea.
- I do.
But I'll need to use your phone.
- What phone are you on? - Just listen to me.
I need to know where and when your next meeting with Susan B is.
Garfield-Price building downtown in an hour.
Why? Garfield-Price, one hour.
- Can you give her a message for me? - Yeah.
Tell her everything is going as planned.
What's going on? Why're you Just give her the message.
I'll see you soon.
- You should have listened.
- You gonna throw down a chicken foot - over a puddle of puke? - You should have mopped.
Stumpy, wait your turn, man.
Excuse me.
I wanted to see Patròn Lechero, por favor.
What you wanna see him about? I got one of these from him, and I didn't do nothing.
He don't listen.
The fight goes on as planned, after we eat lunch.
You issue a fight? Yeah.
What about it? It's not your right.
It's not your place.
Well, maybe it should be.
She's arrived? I'm on my way.
You'd better be right.
What happened? It worked.
It did? She came to me just like you said and offered me a bunch of cash - to talk behind your back.
- So we stick to the plan? - Yeah.
- Cool.
I'm going to see her right now.
It's okay.
I came back for you.
Come on now, everything's gonna be okay.
You can't deprive yourself like this.
Get out of here.
You don't mean that.
Yeah, I do! You're not talking straight! Withdrawals are the worst way to die.
You're gonna shake and sweat until you evaporate into nothing! It's a long bumpy road to hell.
Is that what you want? Or do you wanna live? I'll see you on the other side.
When you're up all night with diarrhea running down both your legs and vomit is in your hair, don't come crawling back.
It's been a long day.
Let's just get this over with.
I got a message from my brother.
Everything's going ahead as planned.
Really? I would think you'd be facing a major setback.
You know Michael.
Always has things worked out.
Seems to me he keeps screwing things up.
He's getting things done a lot faster than you.
Whistler's out by tomorrow, all right? Gretchen Morgan? General Zavala, Panamanian National Police.
- Come with us, please.
- Why? What's this all about? No, I don't understand.
Wait! I had nothing to do with this! Nothing! You're denying that you are involved with escape attempts at Sona prison.
I've never been here before in my life.
And you've never met any of the men incarcerated here? - No.
- You know what I've been told? From prisoners? I can only imagine.
I've been told that you are the mastermind behind a prison escape and that you've kidnapped a boy as collateral.
Really? Am I an alien? Did I shoot JFK? Sir, I have no idea who this James Wilson - Whistler! - is! I'm just here to relax before I have to go back to another year of teaching social studies to freshman idiots.
You're a tourist here? No, not a tourist, sir.
I like to think of myself as a "student of life.
" "A student of life"? What did he say? "Turn on the hose.
" Fight! Fight! Fight! I'm gonna give you one chance.
Did you order the escape from Sona penitentiary? Yes or no? You seem concerned for her.
She holds our entire future in her hands.
Yeah, I'm concerned.
Yes or no? You've proven one thing.
This is not your first time.
Come with me.
Do you know either of these men? - I've never seen them before.
- That's a lie.
- I've never seen them before.
- Where and when have you seen her? She came to see him in visitation, right? Is this the woman you work for? Did she order the prison escape? Yes or no? Yes.
All right, all right.
- You're the one in charge? - No.
I don't know anything about a prison escape.
I'm just the baby-sitter.
- I watch the kid.
- Where is he? Near Paloma.
Highway 2.
I can take you.
Take them back to my office.
Put the girl back in the car.
We're going on a drive.
Was it you? Did you kill Sara? I have no idea who you're talking about.
I'm coming for you.
You're the regular Buster Douglas, aren't you? Hey, what is this? How'd you get that up there? Right there.
The boy's in there.
In here? I'm sorry.
I am so sorry.
I hope he's all right.
Pick me up.
I'm at the shack.
Bring towels.
Hi, Lincoln.
Good to see you.
Yeah, thanks for the cigars.
- You didn't open the package? - I didn't get around to it today.
You need to make a choice.
Lechero's days are numbered.
You agree? Then you know what you need to do.
You've done a good job so far.
Now is the time to make a move.
Prove yourself.
Go back in and open the package.
and open the package.
Come on.
Let's go.
- What happened to the General? - He was found dead this morning off Highway 2.
You're going back inside.
I'm sorry to hear that.
He seemed like a nice man.
What you doing back in? If you still wanna get out of here, I need your phone.
Go inside.
What? - How's LJ? - Fine.
But ou know what? Susan's not.
He's fine? You sure? Yeah.
I just got off the phone with him.
Why didn't you tell me what was going on? He could have died because of what you did.
We still got Whistler.
As long as we do, we're good.
I got to go.
Hey, did you see blanco? He's walking around like the landlord.
- You said Lechero'd take care of it.
- He will.
He keeps saying that.
If you and Lechero want to go around like an old married couple fighting this way or that - Maybe you like it in the kitchen.
- You be careful.
Then do something! Or the next thing you know, you'll be taking orders from Scofield.
Some people stop at nothing, right? Yeah.
I know.
At least we're back inside.
Which of course is exactly what you wanted.
Isn't it? - What are you talking about? - You let the fox into the henhouse.
The only reason you gave up Gretchen's name was so she could come in and pull you out of the fire.
You wanted me to give up her name.
- You know it doesn't end with her.
- Yeah, I do.
The question is how do you? How does a simple fisherman seem to know so much about the Company? When she comes back, and she will what am I gonna say? You gonna do this or not? You can tell her the answer is yes.
But once we're out, I consider you collateral nothing more.



「プリズン・ブレイク シーズン3  9.Boxed In」







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英語字幕 プリズン・ブレイク シーズン3 (Prison Break Season3) 8.Bang and Burn
プリズン・ブレイク シーズン3 (Prison Break Season3) 英語字幕で英会話を勉強しよう!
英語字幕 プリズン・ブレイク シーズン3 (Prison Break Season3) 10.Dirt Nap

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